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Q and Eric had also made their way to the room where everything happened. Jacob was still taking care of Sangyeon but New had just left with Sunwoo. Meanwhile, Heran was still stuck on the chair.

Eric rushed over to get her untied and she kind of collapsed into his arms. She didn't have any energy left after all the crying and screaming she had done for the past hour or so. Q called over Jiu to look at her but Eric was already carrying her downstairs to get her home.

At Treasure's base

Haruto was fuming with anger as they returned back home. "Who the hell let the alarm go off? I was just about to finish off Sangyeon, Sunwoo and that bitch." He yelled through the house for whoever could hear it.

Junkyu walked over to him with an angry expression. "I did. What about it? You were going to kill her for what? Because you were tired of her? Because you can't commit to a relationship? Is that the reason? Because you couldn't stand her liking someone else? Is that why you wanted to off Sunwoo as well? You're a loser Haruto that's all you are!"

The members that were near didn't waste a second and rushed over to hold Haruto back after Junkyu finished. They were also in shock by the harsh words he had spoken. It rarely ever happened that Junkyu said anything bad about anyone right in their face yet here he was. Calling out Haruto for what he had done.

Junkyu walked over to get his car keys and left the house. No one knew where he was going but everywhere would be better than at home as he had pissed off Haruto pretty badly.

At The Boyz base

When Eric arrived home with Heran they were met by an angry Hyunjae. "This is all your fault! I should've killed you when I still had the chance too! You've ruined everything from the day you arrived up until now!" He was swinging around with his gun as he spoke.

Kevin rushed into the room and took Hyunjae's gun from him before pulling him away from Heran. The whole house was chaotic but no one was ready for what would happen next.

Haknyeon and Younghoon arrived home last. "Guys?" They voiced as soon as they entered the house. Someone was following them right behind. As Eric and Q turned around to see who entered their eyes widened.

Heran stumbled back a few steps but it was no use. A firm hand hit her on the cheek. "Dad." She blurred. His hand hit her face a second time and she collapsed to the ground.

"You stupid stupid kid. As if ruining your own family wasn't enough. You had to come over here and ruin theirs too! You worthless piece of trash!" He growled.

Kevin once again entered the room with a slight panic. Hyunjae he could handle but he could do nothing against Mister Song.

"You are going home with me this instant." He pulled her up from the ground and started dragging her across the floor, leaving no room for complaining.

"Sir stop!" A voice spoke from behind them. The voice was soft and barely held any power but it was still sturdy enough for Mister Song to stop in his track and turn around.

"Sangyeon, I'll be taking my daughter home. I hope you heal well." He wanted to continue but was again stopped by Sangyeon.

"I don't think you will sir. I understand that she is your daughter but I believe I have all the right to punish her the way I want after what she has done to my family. Leave her here and let us take care of this situation our way. I believe that's the protocol as well. The betrayer stays with the betrayed until they figured out what they want to do with the betrayer. Leave your daughter here."

His voice was firm leaving no room for negotiations and Mister Song complied eventually. He let go of his daughter and Kevin rushed over to get her out of sight of her father.

The tension in the living room grew bigger as Sangyeon and Mister Song kept staring at each other. Jiu eventually broke off the situation. She pulled Sangyeon along with her to get him back into the infirmary.

"You'll hear from me soon Sangyeon. I can't promise you'll like it." His voice sounded threatening but Sangyeon kept walking, pretending not to hear a thing.

As soon as they were out of sight, Sangyeon collapsed to the ground. He had been fighting with his body to stay up for long enough but it finally took its toll on him. Jiu helped him get back to the ward and put him on his bed.

"I'm going to check if there is any news from Sunwoo. I'll keep you updated." She said softly before leaving. The truth was that she wouldn't really be able to check anytime soon. New and Seungmin hadn't shown any sign of progress since they entered the operating room.

The hits had caused quite the damage inside of Sunwoo. He had fractured ribs, internal bleeding, a broken nose, and most likely a concussion.

"Did you find the source of the bleeding yet?" Seungmin asked who was trying to take a proper grasp of the situation. "Found it!" He exclaimed finally after spotting where the stream of blood was coming from.

Now he had to patch it up and close Sunwoo's stomach back up. Seungmin continued to carefully suction away the outcoming blood for New to have a clear view. He started carefully suturing up the rupture in his liver.

When he finished and no blood entered the abdominal cavity again he finished off by closing his stomach back up. The next thing was to fix his nose and check for any other injuries they might've missed.

It was implausible that they missed anything major but since he was unable to tell them where it hurt at this point in time they would have to ensure they didn't miss a thing.

It took them another 30 minutes to take care of his nose. After finishing that they sighed deeply. "Now all we can do is wait for him to wake up." Seungmin voiced hesitantly. That wait could take from a few hours to days to never.

It had been 4 hours since they entered the operating room and since then no one knew what exactly was going on. Q had been waiting around the infirmary anxiously since they went inside. He hated to admit it but, that was his best friend inside there after all. He couldn't help but worry.

When Seungmin finally left the room he instantly bombarded him with questions. "How is he doing? Is he going to be fine? Can I go see him? Is he alright?" Seungmin nodded remotely in response waiting for his turn to talk.

"He is stable for now, you can't go see him yet because New is taking care of some little things for now." Q let out a sigh of relief after hearing that. Though he didn't get that much yet, the confirmation that his friend was at least alive was good enough for now.


Another day, another song. 
Today's song is Pritti-G's Love Taker. It's just such a banger!

Pritti-G deserves many more listeners as their music is already quite versatile and on top of that good. I find it saddening to see only 2000 people listen to them on Spotify but it is what it is. All I can do is promote them a little on here. : ) 

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