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Hyuk felt slightly hesitant to enter the room. He wasn't sure what to say or how Heran would react. A little voice in his head telling him to turn around and leave. However, he shut the voice down and slowly opened the door. 

Heran was seated at the edge of her bed. Her body was covered in bruises and her eyes were bloodshot. Something about the view in front of him made the slightest bit of regret leave his mind. 

"Heran." He started, her eyes focused on him. He took a deep breath before continuing. "After I heard the news of what happened today I got very angry and I went to see your dad. You know how he would always return to the old house after a raid so it wasn't hard to find him."

Earlier that evening

Hyuk got out of his car and instantly noticed the light of Heran's old bedroom switch on. He felt pleased to see that his boss's habits hadn't changed.  

He took his handgun from the glove compartment but soon after hesitated. Something in him told him to leave it. He wanted to finish it with his own hands rather than with a gun. 

He put his gun back and walked inside. The door was left slightly ajar giving him easy access. Leaving the door wide open, he walked up the stairs. He could already hear Mr. Song talking, exactly like he always would. 

Hyuk stopped in front of the door of the dimlit room. Flashes of memories flood his brain making it difficult for him to think straight any longer. He saw red and the next thing he knew he was hitting him, over and over again. 

The sounds of his fists hitting his face were almost rhythmic. He had caught Mr. Song by surprise, leaving no room for a counter-reaction as he had made sure to hit him on the back of his head first, using the old storybook that was placed on Heran's desk. 

"You really don't care at all, do you? You are heartless, ruthless and disgusting." He murmured softly as he continued. Mr. Song falling in and out of consciousness by now. 

His mind was blank, his moves automatic and so he didn't notice when footsteps approached the door. The first thing Hyuk could truly remember was hearing his name, the voice sounding terrified. 

When he blinked a few times he could finally make out the face of the person that was holding him securely. Sunwoo had a hint of fear in his eyes as he looked at him. That is what got him back to earth. 


"So that's what happened. I'm so sorry Heran, I know I shouldn't have acted so impulsively but I just, I don't know what came over me." His breathing was unsteady and he didn't dare to look over to Heran who hadn't said a word since he entered the room. 

"Hyuk." She whispered softly once he sat there in silence for a while. "I-I would really like to be alone for a moment. I've got to gather my thoughts." She voiced, a little louder, her voice slightly unstable. He nodded and got up without asking any more questions. He couldn't blame her for being upset with him. He would've felt the same way. 

He walked out of the room and noticed Sunwoo standing opposite him, leaning against the wall. "How'd it go?" He asked, genuinely curious. "I don't know, she wanted to be alone for a bit, hasn't said much aside from that." He said, his voice breaking a little near the end of his sentence. 

"I've already messaged Jaehan to let him know you are staying over for the night. Just let her process everything for a moment. I'm sure she'll be ready to talk tomorrow. I'll take you to my room." Sunwoo finished, a warm smile on his face as he put his arm around Hyuk's shoulder. 

They entered the room in silence and Sunwoo grabbed a pajama for Hyuk to wear for the night. Although Sunwoo didn't really have a bond with Hyuk, he still felt the urge to take care of him. He was his girlfriend's best friend after all. 

"Do you need anything? Something to drink or maybe something to eat? We could watch a movie or something to get your mind off of everything for a little?" Sunwoo asked attentively. 

"That would be great actually. I could really use a drink if that's possible. A beer or something." Sunwoo nodded understanding and walked out of the room to grab a few beers and some snacks to eat during the movie. 

When he returned Hyuk was seated on his bed, back resting against the wall. He took the beer from Sunwoo's hand and quickly opened it, wanting to take a quick swig before speaking again. 

"You know, when Heran turned 10 she had asked for just one thing. She just wanted to have her dad home to celebrate her birthday, that's all she wanted. We all asked her if there truly wasn't anything else she wanted. We wanted to buy her big gifts but she said no."

"He hadn't been home for her birthday the past 3 years and it had really been weighing on her a lot. The fact that she asked that showed us all just how much she wanted him to be there for a change so we tried everything."

"We asked if we somehow could clear his schedule for that day. We begged him to stay home, Sebin and Jehyun even punctured his main car's tires trying to keep him home for that day to no avail. "

"Two days before it was her birthday he left to go to China, he had some mates to visit he said. He left and didn't return until 2 weeks after her birthday."

"Heran was clearly upset so we ended up buying her a ton of presents. 2PM took us to the toy store so we could help them pick out some things. We got her a bunch of plushies, a really cute backpack, one that looked like Cinnamoroll. We bought her a bunch of stuff."

"When her birthday came around she seemed happy, we thought it was fine in the end but that was really foolish of us. Although she was truly happy with the gifts, she clearly felt the absence of her dad."

"That evening when I passed by her room I could hear her sobbing so loudly, I didn't know what to do. I was still young myself and I couldn't quite understand why it was such a big deal for her but it still hurt to hear her cry. So I went and got her hot chocolate, a bunch of candy that I knew Yechan always hid under the desk and went to her room."

"She seemed to cheer up from that and that day I promised her I would be there every time she cried. I promised her I would do whatever it took to prevent her from feeling any pain. I would never let anyone hurt her, yet in the end I was always the one to hurt her the most."

Sunwoo wasn't sure how to respond to the story. He knew Hyuk hadn't done anything wrong, he did what he himself would've done otherwise so he didn't blame him however he understood how difficult it must be for him. 

"Hyuk, you did nothing wrong. To be honest, I went to that house with the same intentions as you. I had wanted to kill that man myself. I understand you, and I can say for certain that Heran will too. She just needs some time."

Hyuk nodded slightly and took another swig of his beer. "I don't know why I started all this sentimental talk I'm sorry. Let's watch that movie shall we?" 

Sunwoo agreed and they ended up watching a cheesy romance to avoid triggering any memories of the past few hours. 


Hello there : )

It's been a while I know but I had exams that I had to prepare for. I'm almost done now so I'll try to upload a bit more frequently again. 

First of all, I'm very late with it but I want to wish everyone a happy new year and good whatever holidays you guys celebrated. : )

I'm going to recommend a song of a group that debuted very recently but that I very much enjoy.


If you like Watch It by the boys I feel like you'll like this song as well. Not that they are super similar but I definetly can feel the vibes. 

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