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This is quick for everyone who has already read this chapter, I rewrote the major part of it so I recommend reading it again to not be confused : ) 


Sunwoo picked up extra speed as soon as he reached the highway. Since it was reaching 9 a.m., more and more cars filled up the road, making it nearly impossible to drive at a steady pace without causing accidents.

That wasn't stopping Sunwoo though, constantly switching lanes, taking dangerous turns left and right, leaving Hyunjae praying for his life. At this rate, Sunwoo would most likely get them killed in a major traffic accident but there was no stopping him.

The others were basically doing the same, driving at full speed, doing whatever they could to not create a major traffic accident but it got more and more difficult as more people entered to road to go to work.

Treasure was experiencing the same issue, although not as bad as the rest, they often had to slow down significantly to not crash. 2 more minutes and they would reach the base, 2 more minutes was all it would take them.

"H-Her-an" Eric voiced softly, hurt echoing through the room. He tried to lift his arm to reach for her but he only reached halfway before it went crashing down again. A loud grunt filled the silence in the room at last.

"Tell Sangyeon something for me, Eric. Tell him I simply came to take back what was once mine. He has no right to resent me for that." Mr. Song spoke once more before getting interrupted by one of his men.

"Sir, we need to leave now. Trouble is coming." He said showing camera footage that showed Treasures cars speeding over the road leading towards the house.

Heran, standing freely in the room, Taecyeon a few feet away from her, saw the distraction as a chance for her. All she needed to do was hide out long enough for the trouble to arrive. Although she had no clue what the trouble was, she knew that it would be her one and only shot to escape.

She didn't think for a second and rushed off towards the stairs leading to the basement. If she was just fast enough she would be able to get to the weapon room and maybe if she was truly lucky she could hide inside the second room before they arrived.

It was a long shot, she was painfully aware of that but she tried to believe she could make it.

To save some extra time she jumped down the last few stairs, landing on her right foot quite harshly. An instant shock went through her body which she pushed to the back of her mind. She continued running towards the last room in the hallway.

Taecyeon was following her closely but had yet been able to catch up which gave her an ever so small spark of hope. She swiftly opened the door and entered before slamming the door back closed and opening the second door which she could lock on the inside.

When she heard the lock she felt a strong wave of emotions rush over her. She felt a slight bit of victory, buying herself some time to think of what to do. On the other side, she realized that she had put Eric in so much more danger by running off like that.

She let herself slide down against the door. Taecyeon was now knocking on the other side of it. "You better come out right now Heran. You shouldn't have made it this difficult. You are bringing everyone else in trouble. Get out of there right now!" Taecyeon yelled in an attempt to guilt trip her into exciting the room.

A minute had passed when her father finally walked down the stairs himself. "Incompetent fool." He yelled at Taecyeon before kicking him in the shin. "Heran, you are making a mistake and you know that. Get the f*ck out of there right now."

She had put her hands in her hair, trying to cover her ears. She didn't want to hear a word of what he was saying. She didn't want to get fooled into leaving the only safe space she had right now. She was scared out of her mind.

Her father knocked on the door repeatedly, but no reaction came from her at all aside from the soft sobs that left her mouth every now and then.

In the end, her father decided brute force would be the only way to go. He pulled the first shotgun he laid eyes on off the shelve and aimed at the door.

"I'll give you one last warning Heran, if you don't open the door right now, I'll open it myself." His voice was darker than ever and the words lingered inside of her mind for a while.

Finally, the sound of a gunshot made her return to the face of the earth. Her mind filled with panic as she expected to feel the door push against her anytime now.

She would have no way to survive this mess now. No one could save her now. 


It's been a while since I last uploaded anything but I'll finish the story for sure.

I wanna apologize to those who have already read this chapter but had to re-read it because I changed a big part of it. No matter how I tried to write a follow-up on how I ended it previously, it just never felt right. 

This, although still not how I imagined it at first, is a lot easier for me to write the next chapter on. 

For the song recommendation, I'll say JustB - Medusa. I've been absolutely obsessed with this song these days. The vibe is just perfection!

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