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It was finally the time when the team would try to wake up Sunwoo. Everyone had gathered in the living room to wait for the result. You didn't have to be an expert to notice the extremely tense energy that surrounded the team.

Heran hadn't been seated since Jacob came to announce they were about to start which was at least 30 minutes ago. Kevin had told her to sit down multiple times but she just couldn't seem to take a rest at this point in time.

Finally, Hyunjae lost his cool again. "If you don't sit down right this moment I'm going to make you." His voice was cold and demanding which made her sit down in the end.

Since the last encounter she had with Hyunjae she had gotten rather scared of him. The others had made clear that he hadn't ever intended to hurt her but it still scared her a bit.

Sangyeon had forced Hyunjae to apologize multiple times but so far it hadn't happened yet as he refused to do so until Sunwoo woke up.

Silence returned to the room and it made everyone even more nervous.

Back in the ICU room, everyone was finally getting ready to start the procedure. The silence mainly showed the determination and focus everyone had for this procedure.

"I will administer the medication right now." Jiu spoke calmly and collected but deep down she was a little scared too. She was there the previous time Sunwoo reacted badly to the medication. That time she remembered having to do everything within her power to get the boy back.

She and no one else wanted to go through that again. It had already been difficult enough the previous time. The chance that it would fail this time was too big.

Using a needle she inserted the medication right into his IV. Now was the moment of truth. If he were to react badly to the medication they would notice within the next few hours but he would most likely react within the first 5 minutes.

As soon as the injection had been given they stood around his bed waiting for any signs of an issue but after 10 minutes Jiu finally dared to conclude that the injection was most likely successful.

When Jiu, Seonghwa and New walked into the living room together, they let a sense of relief fall over the team. The smiles on their faces let the others know instantly that the procedure went okay. All though Sunwoo wasn't awake yet, the fact that this worked out fine was already something.

"So did he wake up or?" Haknyeon finally dared to ask after they kept standing at the edge of the sofa.

"No, but he didn't react badly when we injected the medication so it should be a matter of time before we see results." Seonghwa spoke softly. He didn't want to give them too much hope because the truth was that it wasn't 100 percent certain that he would wake up from it. They just hoped for the best.

"You guys should go take a rest, you've been working hard." Sangyeon said as he noticed their tired faces. He brought the duo to the spare rooms while New for the first time in that week went to his own bed.

A few more days went by but Sunwoo kept sleeping. Most of the team members had started to take care of their own business more often and joined the other Lotus teams to get distracted from the main issue.

Heran, Q and Eric finally teamed up again to figure out who the reason was for Sunwoo's suffering. If the shooting never started, Heran wouldn't have been taken and Sunwoo wouldn't have gotten hurt.

They wanted to kill the person that started it all. It wasn't easy though. Finally they they had no other choice. They took a car and drove back to the location.

"Alright, we know one thing for sure: it didn't come from our direction. It must've been more from the other side of the open area." Eric spoke as he analyzed the voice recording the earphones had made again.

"How about we just test a few places out?" Heran finally asked. "You guys were sitting over there when the shot was fired. You will most likely be able to tell where the bullet came from the previous time. Maybe we can figure it out this way."

The boys agreed and Heran went to the first possible position at the opposite side of the open area. Bang! "Not that one." Eric quickly responded upon hearing the shot. "It came more from the right." He said, Heran moved herself a few spots to the right and gave it another shot. Bang!

"Nope neither from there. It was way more to the right." She moved again upon hearing Q speak. Now she noticed there was no space to hide anymore. There was no way they would've shot from a plain open spot.

Unless... She moved herself more and shot again. Bang! "That must've been the place. Stay where you are." Eric spoke. Heran was in pure shock as she stood in the middle of the road. "You guys aren't going to believe this." She exclaimed.

The boys walked out of their spots and noticed Heran standing out in the open like that. It didn't click at first. "You don't get what this means? None of the teams shot. An outsider did." She declared with a smile on her face.

"Wait wait, I'm not quite following. You are trying to say someone shot from on the road?" Eric asked a little confused. "I'm not 100% sure but it's definitely possible. You said the shot came from here. I was standing in the middle of the road. That means it could've been shot out of a car or something."

"Maybe someone knew all about this and wanted to create chaos. Maybe it was someone from Silver Alpha who wanted us to be confused. It doesn't matter but it came from here. An outsider most likely shot it." 


I won't lie to you, I'm not really happy with the story atm. I also find these last few chapters a bit boring but I hope you don't mind it too much. Soon enough it'll be worth it I promise. 

I recommend the song GENTO by SB19. It's not a K-pop song but I have been enjoying that song a lot. It's such a good vibe I love it. You might've heard it on tiktok before. 

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