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Of course I'm not gonna stop at book 20-something about Ace or Eyeball...

Ladies, Gentlemen, cobras alike...

The cast of Stripped Down - Ace Merrill!!


Calliope 'Candi' Carter - Margot Robbie

Calliope 'Candi' Carter - Margot Robbie

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Aiden Carter - Sebastian Stan

Aiden Carter - Sebastian Stan

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Sterling Drake - Robbie Kay

Sterling Drake - Robbie Kay

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Tamara 'Baby' Smith - Megan Fox

Tamara 'Baby' Smith - Megan Fox

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Sasha 'Sugar' Thompson - Emma Roberts

Sasha 'Sugar' Thompson - Emma Roberts

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There are, of course, a selection of other girls under the employment of Aiden Carter, however these are the main 3 you will come to know, love and hate?


Stripped Down - Ace MerrillWhere stories live. Discover now