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*****Chapter 6 - Callie?*****

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Chapter 6 - Callie?

The girls danced for any guy that gave them money that night, as always.

Each girl putting in more effort if their eyes found Aiden, doing his normal rounds and ensuring no-one tried too hard to claim his girls without paying.

Tamara gave in to Eyeball, not wanting Calliope to get into more trouble from Aiden. All the girls could tell Aiden was sizing up the cobras, so their focus was more set on them, any information they could get for Calliope would help her against Aiden.

Calliope ended up stumbling out the front of the house, her breathing rapid and her heart racing as she stumbled forward. The music behind her disappeared as she wobbled on her heels.

"Is that-" Charlie started to ask as him and Billy were walking back from Ace's.

Billy quickly held a hand up as the pair stopped, watching as Aiden came straight out after her.

"The hell are you doing?!" He snapped harshly at her.

Calliope turned and pleaded up at him. "He wouldn't let go." She tried to explain.

Aiden shrugged. "Did you see the wad of notes he had there?!" He snapped as he reached her, his hands forcefully gripping her wrists as he forced her to look at him.

"You said they can't touch me?" She questioned up at him, the pain clear in her voice.

"He had more money than anyone I've seen in this town. If he wants to touch, then you fucking let him touch." Aiden spat out in her face.

Calliope couldn't fight back, no words came from her mouth.

"Understand?" Aiden snapped out, shaking her slightly.

Calliope quickly nodded as she couldn't bring herself to look up at him.

"There's my special girl." Aiden mumbled as his lips softly kissed her forehead. "Now get back in there and see him."

Aiden flung her backwards slightly, almost as if he was chucking her at the front door. Calliope coughed and stumbled as she forced her way back into the house, shortly followed by Aiden.

"I ain't never seen my dad treat mum like that." Charlie mumbled.

Billy shook his head. "That's because that ain't how a husband should treat his wife." He mumbled.

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