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*****Chapter 4 - Deal*****

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Chapter 4 - Deal

Calliope walked out the front door the next day as she zipped up Sterling's hoodie that hung off her. She always felt more comfortable wearing his clothes, he gave her the only sense of comfort she had in this world. Looking around she saw the streets had only just begun to wake up.

Yet she knew what she had to do.

Her trainers hit the ground as she went straight for the house next door. It took a few knocks and a few moments waiting, but the door was finally opened.

"Eyeball right?" Calliope asked as she pointed at the guy standing there.

Eyeball nodded slowly as his eyes tried to process the girl now standing in a baggy hoodie, skinny jeans and trainers. How was he supposed to act, having seen her in her underwear dancing around a pole.

"You're staring?" She asked, shuffling slightly, his gaze making her somewhat nervous.

Eyeball quickly shook his head. "No, sorry. Just um-" he mumbled as his head tilted to the side.

"Contrary to belief, I do know how to wear clothes." She retorted as her arms crossed over her chest.

Eyeball nodded as his hand scratched his head. "Yeah yeah, course you do. I didn't mean to- wait, hang on, how'd you know my name?"

"Tamara told me." Calliope mumbled.

Eyeball raised his eyebrow in confusion as she rolled her eyes.

"You'd remember her as Baby."

Quickly he nodded. "Kinda forgot you girls have real names."

"Right are you just gonna stand there and continue to insult me or can one of you actually help me?"

Eyeball looked about nervously. "Ace kinda called dibs." He mumbled.

Calliope raised her eyebrow at him. "Called dibs? Like on me?" She scoffed out.

Eyeball nodded again as he noticed Calliope seem more nervous.

"You might wanna tell him to remove those dibs quickly. Lord knows my husband might not be too pleased."

Eyeball laughed and shook his head in disbelief. "You don't need to lie to me."

Calliope only stared at him as Eyeball stopped laughing.

"Oh shit, you're really married to him aren't you?"

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