I got time

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*****Chapter 19 - I got time*****

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Chapter 19 - I got time

Calliope didn't work that night. As guys came to the house, Calliope wasn't entertaining.

"What even is this?!" Mr Lachance spat out as he looked across the road at the house with the loud music, flashing lights and a lot of men.

"This is where your daughter is being forced to act against her will." Ace spat back from by his side.

"And you said she's got a husband who makes her do this?" Mr Lachance asked, looking down at Gordie by his side.

Gordie nodded as he looked up at Ace.

"His names Aiden. Find him and tell him who you are, more so your surname." Ace tried to order out but he needed this.

"How will I find him?" Mr Lachance asked nervously, not exactly happy about entering a place like this.

"It won't be hard, he'll-"

Yet Ace stopped talking as he saw Sterling shoving a guy out the house harshly.

"Sterl!" He snapped, gaining the guy's attention.

"You really got some balls coming here again Merrill!" Sterling snapped as he came closer, still annoyed the guy didn't listen to him when he told him to back out.

"This is Mr Lachance." Ace fired out before Sterling could smack him.

Sterling looked blankly at Mr Lachance.

"Calliope's dad." Ace added for confirmation.

Sterling's head snapped to Ace as he looked blankly at the cobra.

"Her dads dead." He mumbled, shaking his head.

"That was my brother." Mr Lachance sighed out. "When her and Dennis were born we separated them."

Sterling took a small step back as his head spun to look up at the house before back at the trio that stood in front of him.

"Callie ain't working tonight."

"Where is she?" Ace asked blankly.

"He's got her locked upstairs. Funnily enough, she don't look too good right now." Sterling snapped sarcastically as his eyes went back on Ace.

Ace shuffled slightly, his mind still believing it really was his fault.

"So hang on, you're not her husband?" Mr Lachance asked, pointing at Sterling.

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