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Okay, gonna be honest here. I can't keep putting this off because it's been niggling in the back of my head.

The day after I last posted I lost my grandfather, then while trying to come to terms with that, I lost the other, 2 days later.

As I've always said, my page, stories, messages and everything else is a safe place for anyone. And I have to admit, I went to a dark place, unfortunately for the first time even Ace and Eyeball couldn't help me.

I'm not sure I'll ever be the same.

I've tried so often to escape to my stories and they've so often worked. I know I'm not alone when I say that Ace, Eyeball and the rest of the cobras have saved us all in so many ways.

Hell, I'm 26 and that cheap dime store hood has saved my life more than he will ever know.

Please know, I will finish this story and knowing me, I'll post more and more stories, with more ideas than I can keep track off.

However I can't lie to you all, I'm struggling. I'm really struggling.

I can't give you an exact time of when I shall post again, just know that I really am trying. I'm way too strong to just give up, that Merrill kid raised me to be a badass bitch.

It just so happens this badass bitch is asking for a little more time from you all.

Grief is one of the hardest things anyone can go through in life and losing not just one, but two people who I loved so deeply and insanely, is apparently pushing me to the brink.

This story will continue. I can't stress that enough. I'm not giving up.

It will continue.

So if you all don't give up on me and this story, I won't either.

Until I can return, hopefully soon, enjoy the last verse of a poem my grandfather used to read to me, now tattooed safely on my arm.

We live and we learn,
We rise and we fall,
Like the heartbeat of a sleeping giant.
With bittersweet dreams, stay up never down.


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