Let's go

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*****Chapter 18 - Let's go*****

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Chapter 18 - Let's go

Ace was escorted from Aiden's by the man himself.

"Maybe next time," Aiden started sincerely, "maybe next time you stick to the unmarried girls aye?"

Ace turned and glared at him.

"I mean, as I said, you've only got yourself to blame Merrill. Calliope is my wife, not yours."

"You know she deserves so much better than you." Ace spat back out.

Aiden shrugged and nodded. "Probably but guess what?"

Ace didn't answer as Aiden raised his hand, his fingers clicked as Calliope stumbled to his side.

"Who's wife are you Calliope?" Aiden asked firmly, keeping his eyes on Ace.

"Yours Aiden." She whispered back.

"And who's bed are you going to go get in now and wait for him to come fuck you senseless?" Aiden's smirk grew as he continued to glare at Ace.

"Yours Aiden." Calliope forced her words out.

Aiden didn't have to speak. His fingers clicked again and Calliope stumbled away, back further into the house.

"Thanks for stopping by Merrill, always a pleasure." Aiden fired out with a smile before he stepped back and slammed the door shut.

Ace stumbled back slightly, nothing could have prepared him for that.

Though he had no physical injury, he hobbled and stumbled back to his own house like every bone in his body was broken.

Eyeball opened the door before he even reached it as he rushed out, his arms automatically going around Ace as he attempted to help his best friend back in.

"You don't look hurt?" Eyeball asked quietly as he pulled him in the house and shut the door.

Ace shook his head. "Next time, I'm backing out." He mumbled as he was helped into his living room.

Yet he paused as he saw Gordie standing there, Chris, Vern and Teddy by his side.

"Where's my sister?" Gordie finally asked quietly.

Ace locked eyes with Eyeball as he shrugged slightly.

"Turns out the kid found us." Eyeball mumbled as the other cobras moved so Ace could sit down.

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