3, 2, 1.

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*****Chapter 30 - 3, 2, 1

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Chapter 30 - 3, 2, 1.

"Calliope baby, put the fucking gun down." Aiden spoke as he went to step closer to her.

"Calliope Lachance, do you trust me?" Ace asked her, purposefully using her maiden name.


Calliope didn't hesitate.

Ace's cold switchblade was felt on her neck as she didn't flinch.

Every time Aiden had placed a weapon on her, she flinched.

Yet with Ace's blade by her neck, she didn't.

Aiden watched as Ace managed to slip it under her collar.

With a sharp tug, it was cut cleanly off as it fell to the floor.

"She ain't yours no more." Ace fired out as he turned to look at Aiden.

Aiden was ready to kill him there and then, if not for the gun aimed at him.

"You sure about that? It's still my A she's got on her chest." Aiden retorted back at him.

Ace tilted his head slightly as he let his full smirk show. "Sure about that?"

Aiden was confused as Ace spoke again.

"Calliope, be a dear and show him." Ace spoke a sweet tone.

Calliope removed a hand from the gun, still keeping it held up as she brought her hand to her top. Aiden watched as she pulled it down.

Next to the the 'A' he had tattooed, there was now a 'C' and an 'E'. The very tattoo Eyeball had given her when he climbed through her window. Ace now had his name on her chest.

"You once told me that if you train a girl well, they'll do anything." Ace added as he shoved his blade back in his pocket.

His hand raised as he held his fingers together.

"And you did it all with a click of your fingers." Ace spoke softly.

Aiden instantly leapt forward, the panic clear on his face.

But it was too late.

Ace's fingers clicked together.


Aiden dropped to the floor as Calliope stumbled herself, only Ace caught her as she practically collapsed in his arms.

Stripped Down - Ace MerrillWhere stories live. Discover now