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*****Chapter 20 - Charmer*****

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Chapter 20 - Charmer

Calliope had help from the girls getting ready the next day.

They had all heard and found out the truth about Calliope's parents and the situation that had unravelled.

They had all then tried to tell her she could ask for their help in getting away from Aiden. They could get them all free and safe.

But Calliope knew better, she knew she was bound to Aiden.


The girl's conversations were cut short as Aiden's loud voice was heard coming up the stairs.

Quickly Calliope stumbled out the room and rushed downstairs, just as Aiden was slipping on his jacket.

"Remember the rules?" He snapped firmly.

"Yes Aiden." Calliope mumbled quietly as she stood and watched him.

"Good." He gave her a firm nod. "Found something I can use to make sure though."

Calliope watched as he pulled a black stick from a bag hanging up. Calliope looked on confused as he tucked it down his jacket sleeve.

"Aiden I-"

Yet her sentence stopped as he placed a hand behind her back.

She felt the end of the stick go straight in between her shoulder blades as she felt the electrical energy surge through her briefly before he pulled his arm away.

"Turns out these things work on humans too." He mumbled as he held his arm up.

"Aiden I'll behave." She mumbled as her body tingled from the pain.

He gave her a firm nod. "Course you will. Now let's get this bullshit over with."

Calliope didn't get a chance. She was pulled outside and into the car as he soon drove off. The whole car journey Calliope kept her eyes glued to his arm.


"Well Damn!" Aiden exclaimed as the pair walked towards the entrance of the diner where Mr and Mrs Lachance were stood with Gordie. "Don't I have such a beautiful mother-in-law!"

Dorothy smiled as she accepted Aiden's hug. "Oh you're a charmer!" She said with a laugh as they pulled away.

"Not as much as I'm sure my father-in-law is!" Aiden spoke cheerfully as he turned to Mr Lachance.

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