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*****Chapter 16 - Parents*****

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Chapter 16 - Parents

Of course Dorothy was ordered to call the police after their front door was kicked down by Ace Merrill.

Of course she did as told.

But of course Ace didn't care.

His only concern was finding out the truth for Calliope.

"I FUCKING TOLD YOU GO LEAVE ALONE MERRILL!" Mr Lachance shouted as he stood in front of his wife, who was still frantically on the phone.

Calliope couldn't help but find the whole dynamic between her and Dorothy interesting. Dorothy was clearly incredibly petrified of Ace yet Calliope felt safest when with him.

"She's Denny's twin sister ain't she?!" Ace fired out at him.

Even this, caused Calliope to freeze up.

"Same age, same birthday, same surname, same eyes." Ace listed off everything as his eyes fell on Gordie, who was just as terrified as his mother.

"Same Yankee cap given to their younger brother." He mumbled as Gordie stared back up at him.

Mr Lachance tried to find the words to tell Ace to leave, but he couldn't. Even Dorothy had hung up the phone.

"Ace I don't want-" Calliope started as she gently tugged on his arm.

But Ace shook his head and stood firm. "Tell her."

His eyes burned against Mr and Mrs Lachance as he saw the guilt written all over their faces.

She was Denny's twin sister.

"It's true." Mr Lachance finally spoke as everyone stared at him in shock.

He sighed as he waved his arm towards her. "Dennis was a twin and at the time we couldn't afford two, so my brother took her and claimed to raise her as his own."

Dorothy reached out and held onto his arm, shaking her head. Yet he shook her off and shook his head.

"We agreed to keep both families apart so they'd have no way of knowing." He explained further as Calliope tightened her grip on Ace's arm.

None could speak again as sirens were heard, the police were always dispatched fast when Ace's name was mentioned.

"Least you finally admit it." Ace grumbled slightly as police soon came in.

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