Desperate measures

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*****Chapter 23 - Desperate measures*****

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Chapter 23 - Desperate measures

Ace practically carried Calliope into the living room as he gently pulled his head away from her neck.

She slowly turned her head as she looked down and saw a load of food had been laid out on the coffee table.

"Figured you'd be hungry." Gordie mumbled as he sat down cross legged on the floor.

Calliope gave him a small smile as she went to untie her coat before remembering Gordie was sat there.

"You have got clothes on right?" Gordie asked nervously.

Calliope nodded somewhat as she untied it and opened it up, showing Ace away from Gordie. Just her underwear.

Quickly he slipped his button up off his plain top and wrapped it around her. She slipped her arms through as she let the coat fall to the floor.

Ace grabbed it as he chucked it over the side of the sofa.

"Careful!" She exclaimed quickly. "There's some stuff in there I was told to use if he got too bad..." she mumbled nervously.

Ace nodded as the pair finally sat down and Calliope was allowed to dig in. Gordie stared at her blankly as he tilted his head.

"Why have you got an A on your chest?" He asked quietly.

Calliope sat up as she looked down at it. "Aiden did it, A for Aiden." She mumbled.

Ace shook his head as he quickly took a swig from his drink and got up. The Lachance siblings watched as he disappeared before soon coming back in, only he was holding a biro.

He sat back down as he held it up to her, raising his eyebrows in question. Calliope nodded as she placed a few chips in his mouth.

Ace managed to hold her still enough as he attempted to write on her chest, ignoring her giggles because the pen nib tickled.

When he pulled away, she looked down and saw the faint pen lines marking a 'C' and an 'E' next to the 'A'.

"Really?!" Gordie exclaimed as he saw it spelt out Ace.

Ace shrugged as he chucked the pen aside. "Would you rather it say Aiden?!" He fired back.

Calliope shook her head silencing them. "I like it." She gave a small smile towards Ace.

Ace smiled back softly as Gordie grimaced, looking between the two of them. He saw their eyes locked together, bodies sat close.

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