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*****Chapter 1 - Candi*****

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Chapter 1 - Candi

"Girls, inside." Aiden fired out as each girl stumbled out of the cars.

Calliope looked around instantly, the house in front of them definitely looked like it had seen better days. She watched as the girls all stumbled inside, chatting and giggling between themselves. An arm around her waist pulled her from her trance as she turned and saw Sterling beaming at her.

"Feeling at home?" He asked with a teasing smile.

Calliope raised her eyebrow at him. "Feeling brave touching me?" She retorted back with a smirk.

Sterling shrugged as he winked and released his hold on her, heading towards Aiden's car. Calliope sighed as she took a few steps towards the house but stopped as she just stared up at it.

"Enjoying the view?"

She turned quickly as she saw Aiden take a few steps closer to her. Calliope nodded quickly.

"Course, it's such a nice place." She blurted out.

Aiden scoffed and laughed, his head shaking as he shoved his hands in his pockets.

"Don't lie Candi." He fired out sternly.

Calliope nodded slowly. "I just wonder if this is the right move." She mumbled quietly, looking down.

Aiden's brought a hand to her face, ignoring her flinch as he gently brushed his thumb over her cheek. "This is just another town we can rule over together."

Calliope looked up at him nervously. "You say that but-"

Her words stopped as she looked up and saw the firm, stern look on his face.

"It's just another town we can rule over together." She repeated his words quietly.

Aiden smiled as he leant down to kiss her cheek. "There's my special girl. Now go help Sterling with the poles." His voice turned harsh as she nodded quickly.

Aiden turned and watched as she went over to the back of one of the cars, beginning to help Sterling with the selection of poles. He took a deep breathe himself as he shoved his hand back in his pocket and looked around.

Yet he stopped as his eyes fell upon a group of guys standing outside the house next to his new one. They were watching them all cautiously as Aiden gave them all a warm smile. Groups of guys meant money to him so a good first impression was always worth it. Pulling his hands from his pockets, he brushed his shirt down slightly before strolling over casually.

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