I'm sorry

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*****Chapter 7 - I'm sorry

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Chapter 7 - I'm sorry.

Ace led her gently inside the house as she cautiously looked around.

"Gimme a second." He mumbled as he pulled her into the hallway, but released his grip to rush up the stairs.

Calliope slowly looked around, granted it was a mess but it seemed to be a comforting mess. Ace swiftly reappeared as he offered her out a jumper. He let her comfortably slip it on as he opened his front door and gestured for her to go out first.

The pair walked relatively slowly through the darkening streets as she pulled and tugged at the sleeves slightly.

"So you're really married to that git?" Ace finally asked.

Calliope sighed as she nodded. She raised a hand to the jumper neck and pulled it down to show Ace the tattooed 'A' on her chest. Ace rolled his eyes.

"Clearly not your choice to get that."

Calliope scoffed and nodded again. "That obvious?"

He nodded in response. "Very. I mean I'm no expert on marriage but I swear it usually works out different to this."

"Your parents ever get married?" She asked quietly.

Ace shook his head as he shoved his hands in his pockets. "Dad knocked my mum up when she was young, beat her up a bit while they were together then he fucked off when I came along."

Calliope was silent as she continued to fiddle about with his jumper sleeves, dangling from her small arms.

"She died when I turned 19." Ace finished with a small sigh. "So the bastard kid of Castle Rock became the parentless arsehole of Castle Rock."

"I'm sorry." Calliope finally whispered out.

Ace shrugged as he listened to the soft sound of her heels on the floor for a moment.

"Dare I ask how you ended up married to someone like that?" He cautiously asked as they reached the diner.

His instinct led him to open the door for her as he let her walk inside first. Yet instead of placing a hand on her to guide her, he simply gestured to a booth. The pair settled opposite each other as she continued to tug about with his sleeves.

"He wasn't always like this you know?" She tried to explain quietly. "We met in high school and we're what you'd call high school sweethearts, he was the most perfect guy." She mumbled, continuing to struggle to look up at Ace.

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