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*****Chapter 8 - Please

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Chapter 8 - Please.

Thankfully, as Ace had said, he never paid.

The pair walked comfortably out onto the streets as Calliope was laughing at a story Ace had told her about the time Billy walked into a lamppost trying to impress a girl.

Yet her smile instantly disappeared when she heard a loud whistle across the streets.

They instantly looked up as they saw Aiden standing there. Ace went to stop her but it was too late. Aiden kept his eyes on Ace as she walked over to him.

Ace remained firm as he watched Aiden speak to her briefly, he watched as Calliope was forced to remove Ace's hoodie, instantly beginning to shiver from the cold. Aiden tossed it on the bench nearby as he kept his eyes on the cobra.

"Times up Merrill." Aiden spoke firmly as his arm went around Calliope's waist and he began leading her away.

Ace sighed out in frustration as he watched them walk away. Finally he stormed over to the bench and grabbed the hoodie, now laying cold. He rolled it about in his hands before heading home slowly.


Shouts and crashes were heard from next door as the cobras sat in Ace's living room.

"Think he's figured out the girls didn't bring in much money?" Charlie asked nervously.

Ace nodded slowly as they continued to hear the angry shouts from Aiden.

"I mean, technically he still gets it right?" Vince asked confused. "It all went to Callie anyway."

Eyeball shrugged. "Isn't gonna stop him being mad at the other girls who had a lot less than her." He mumbled as he leant back in the sofa.

"You all know this is wrong right?" Jack asked as he looked around at them all. "Like none of those girls clearly want to do this."

"What are we expected to do?!" Ace snapped at him. "Barge in like knights in shining fucking armour?!"

The cobras fell silent as the house next door finally went silent.

"You think they're okay?" Billy asked quietly, continuing to exchange uneasy glances with the others.

Yet none of them could answer. They didn't have the answer.


"Let me help." Calliope mumbled quietly as she crouched down beside Sasha.

Stripped Down - Ace MerrillWhere stories live. Discover now