A zillion

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*****Chapter 11 - A zillion*****

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Chapter 11 - A zillion

Ace was somewhat surprised to see Sterling standing there, having just bailed him out. Yet he let the cobras quickly lead him from the station as he took the cigarette Eyeball was offering.

"So you wanna tell me how and why you were arrested?" Sterling asked firmly as he stared at Ace.

Ace hesitated slightly. "I'm sure they've already blabbed." He grumbled as he waved his cigarette around at the other cobras.

"Oh they have." Sterling confirmed. "I just wanna hear it from you."

"Look! She said she was called Lachance! I panicked!" Ace exclaimed.

"What about me?"

Ace and the others turned as they saw him. Gordie Lachance. Chris, Vern and Teddy by his side. Gordie kept his best glare at Ace.

"You need to beat it kid." Ace fired out at him harshly.

"Or what? You're gonna break in to my house again?" Gordie snapped.

Chris gently tugged him back but Gordie tried to remain firm.

"Sterling, this is Gordie Lachance." Eyeball mumbled as he gestured down to the small child bravely standing up to Ace.

"Lachance?" Sterling scoffed out. "Like actually Lachance?"

The cobras all nodded as Ace turned to Sterling.

"See why I panicked?!" He fired out as he gestured to the small child.

Sterling shook his head. "Not possible, it's only ever been her and her parents."

"Who?" Chris perked up, his interest and curiosity rising.

"You got any family besides your parents and Denny?" Billy fired out as he looked down at Gordie.

Gordie stared up at him blankly as he shook his head.

"Like no other aunts or uncles with cousins or something?" Charlie asked, wanting to make sure.

Gordie shook his head again. "Mum and dad said it's always been us."

The cobras and Sterling all turned to Ace.

"See?" Sterling fired out. "Common surname, that's all."

Ace nodded slowly as he continued to smoke.

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