Still bound

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*****Chapter 14 - Still bound*****

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Chapter 14 - Still bound

Calliope had been ordered to go to the shops for Aiden the next day.

For his good measure though, she was forced to still wear the collar. Only this time it had a small padlock attached, ensuring there was no way she could take it off.

So, trying as she might to pull Sterling's hoodie up around her neck to cover it, she began walking down the streets.

Her body felt relieved as she saw she was walking behind them.

She rushed to reach them as she almost crashed straight into Eyeball's back, causing them all to turn and see her.

"I need your help." She instantly pleaded, her eyes remaining locked with Eyeball.

"Well that's fucking obvious-"

"No not with that." She cut him off as her hands fell from her neck.

Their faces instantly showed sympathy as they saw the padlock, now keeping her trapped in the collar, as well as the marriage from hell.

"Aiden gave me a list and I don't know where to find half of this stuff." She grumbled as she pulled it from the hoodie pocket.

Ace was the one that took it as his eyes scanned it over, before he handed it to Eyeball.

"Go get this and bring it all back to mine." His order was still somewhat quiet, as the others could tell he was still trying to process how a guy could do this to a woman he vowed himself to.

Calliope looked up at him blankly as she shook her head. "No no I have to get it."

"The only thing you need is that fucking collar off your neck." Ace spat back harshly as he looked down at her.

Calliope wanted to argue against him but she couldn't. Her brain and mouth wouldn't let her. After spending so long obeying orders, she had been brainwashed to do as told by a male.

"Now." Ace reiterated to his friends as they all nodded and took off slowly.

Ace instantly reached out and grabbed a firm but relaxed grip on her wrist as he began pulling her backwards to his house.

"You know you're not allowed to touch me without paying." She mumbled quietly as she dutifully followed him.

"Put it on my fucking tab." Came his growled response as he quickly pulled her inside his house, slamming the door shut behind him.

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