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*****Chapter 10 - Lachance*****

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Chapter 10 - Lachance

No cobra stood a chance.

Each one was rudely awakened, either kicked, shoved or nudged as they all grumbled.

Ace's panicked voice caused them all to attempt to force themselves awake.

"She's a Lachance!" Ace exclaimed as he grabbed Eyeball's arms and shook him.

Eyeball groaned and grumbled as he was violently shaken before being dropped back on the sofa. A slap was heard as Billy's face took a hit.

"She's a Lachance!" He continued to repeat, over and over, as his head didn't want to process it.

"Confess it now." Charlie grumbled as he forced his head up. "Who gave Ace the last bottle of whiskey?"

Ace quickly grabbed Charlie's shirt collar as he yanked him up, so his face was millimetres away from him.

"Does it look like I'm drunk?!" He snapped harshly.

The cobras all nodded in sync as Ace looked around at them blankly.

"Well I'm not." He snapped again, dropping Charlie and letting him fall with a thud to the floor. "She told me she called Calliope Lachance before she got married."

"That don't mean she's related to the kid." Billy grumbled as he sat up and yawned.

"Lachance is a common surname." Vince grumbled himself.

Ace shook his head and stared at them. "How many fucking Lachance's do you know?!"

They were silent. Denny and Gordie were the only Lachance's they knew.

"No no they ain't related." Eyeball mumbled as he yawned also. "When she met the kids, Gordie had no clue who she was. Fell just as hard for her as the others and yo-" his sentence stopped as he saw the glare he was getting from Ace.

"Point is, the kid didn't know her." He quickly fired out.

Ace paused before nodding slowly. "It's a common surname right?" He asked again.

The cobras all nodded again as they all attempted to get comfortable, their eyes shutting.

Ace, however, wasn't able to relax. He quickly grabbed his car keys and left the house, disregarding the rest of his pack trying to sleep in strange and uncomfortable positions.

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