Put the gun down.

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*****Chapter 29 - Put the gun down

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Chapter 29 - Put the gun down.

Mr Hogan was handed the chains and lead as he handed Aiden over the extra cash.

"CANDI!" Aiden snapped as he yanked on them, pulling her away from the other guys.

She stumbled as she was pulled towards Aiden and this new man she didn't recognise.

"You're with him tonight." Aiden spoke firmly as he nodded towards the new man.

Calliope had no choice but to nod as she stepped closer to him slowly. Aiden watched as he slowly pulled her through the front of the house and out the front door, while he focused on getting rid of the other guys in his house.

"What do I call you?" Calliope almost whimpered out as she felt the coldness of the air hit her.

He gently led her away from the house as he shrugged.

"How about Mr Hogan?"

Calliope stopped as she looked up at him. "But that's-"

He gave her a small smile as he gently unclipped the chains and lead, letting them fall to the floor.


Calliope looked up as she saw Charlie coming over to meet them. He instantly wrapped a zip up hoodie around Calliope as she felt that familiar smell coming from it.


"Where is he?" Calliope asked instantly.

Charlie shook his head. "Let's just get you inside first." He mumbled as he wrapped an arm around her.

Calliope was led inside Ace's house, before being instantly swept up in her parents arms. She couldn't help but cry as she realised everyone was here.

"Sterling!" She exclaimed as she practically leapt on him, seeing him laying there battered and bruised.

"You didn't leave." She whimpered as her arms almost constricted around his neck.

"I told you I wouldn't." He barely breathed out. "Not till you're all safe."

Calliope pulled away as she softly kissed his cheek, giving him a small smile.

"Ready to walk away?" Sterling asked her quietly.

Calliope hesitated but finally nodded. "Ready to walk away."

Stripped Down - Ace MerrillWhere stories live. Discover now