Next time

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*****Chapter 21 - Next time*****

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Chapter 21 - Next time

"Well it was just a delight to meet you!" Aiden spoke cheerfully as he was led out the diner by his mother-in-law.

"Oh sweetheart, the pleasure was all ours!" Dorothy replied, just as cheerful.

"We best be going though." Aiden spoke as he turned and glared at Calliope.

She quickly moved to his side as his arm went around her.

"Oh must you?" Dorothy pouted slightly.

Aiden sighed and nodded. "I'm so sorry mum, things to do you know?" The smile never left his face.

"Well you make sure you come by whenever." Dorothy gave him a sweet smile.

"We'd love to."

"Don't suppose Calliope would fancy coming to see the house properly?" Her dad offered up.

Calliope went to reply but Aiden pouted and shook his head.

"I am sorry dad, we got stuff to do." He replied as Mr Lachance looked down at Calliope.

She opened her mouth to respond but froze as she felt the harsh pain go through her back for a split second.

Shaking her head, she leant against Aiden, somewhat out of breath from the pain.

"Oh leave the lovebirds to it." Dorothy mumbled as she waved her hands absently at her daughter and son-in-law.

"Maybe next time?" Aiden offered up.

"Course." Mr Lachance replied with a small nod.

"It's been a pleasure." Aiden flashed his warm smile again, before gently beginning to pull Calliope backwards.

"What a lovely young man." Dorothy mumbled with a smile as her hands clasped together in front of her chest.

Her husband only mumbled in a response as Gordie just glared, watching him walk towards a car, Calliope tucked under his arm as he planted a kiss on her head.

"Maybe this will all work out." Dorothy spoke as she watched her daughter and Aiden climb in a car and soon drive off.

Once more, her husband only grumbled a response as she looked about.

"While we're in town, there's a few things I need to get." She mumbled, looking up and down the street. "You two will be okay right?"

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