They ain't married

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*****Chapter 3 - They ain't married*****

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Chapter 3 - They ain't married

Ace was unable to take his eyes off Candi for the rest of the night, her hair now pinned up. He watched her like a vulture watching it's prey. Every time she danced, her own eyes seemed to find him as she stared right back. She seemed to ignore every other man near her as her eyes focused on him.

"Don't fall into it."

Ace turned as he saw the guy that had been helping unload the cars earlier today.

"Don't fall into it." He repeated as he nodded towards Calliope.

Ace scoffed and shook his head. "I ain't falling into nothing."

He shook his head as he held his hand out. "Sterling."


The pair comfortably shook hands as Sterling nodded slowly.

"So you're him."

Ace's head once more snapped away from Candi as he stared at Sterling.

"Trust me, he's onto you already." Sterling mumbled as he nodded towards where Calliope was dancing. "Don't fall into it."

"What the fuck are you talking about?!" Ace almost snapped at him.

Sterling stared at him unfazed by the snap. "Maybe you should ask both for their full names." He mumbled as he shook his head and disappeared.

Ace watched him leave as his eyes went straight back to the girl and the way she danced. Her eyes were still trained on him as she seemed to move expertly. Through the flashing lights, he saw more money go towards her than any other girl.

Yet the other girls were happily being touched and entertained, though not one laid a finger on Candi. Ace had to know why she was the only one not to be touched.

"Can I move in with you?"

Ace turned and saw Charlie standing beside him, lipstick marks up and down his neck and jawline.

"Please?" Charlie begged again.

Ace rolled his eyes as he shook his head, instantly looking back over at Candi, where of course, she was still staring at him.

"You know I heard about the rule of not touching her." Charlie continued.

Ace simply nodded and kept his eyes firmly glued on the girl.

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