My very special girl

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I'm just gonna put this out there, I truly apologise for the way I portray the girls and the views on them in this book. Girls aren't objects, aren't disposable and in the animal kingdom, the girls are much more powerful than the males, so sexist guys can go suck a dick.


*****Chapter 2 - My very special girl*****

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Chapter 2 - My very special girl

Calliope watched as the girls around her got changed and attempted to do their makeup. She sighed slightly as she quickly left the room, letting the door shut behind her.

"Not feeling it?"

Calliope looked up and saw Sterling stood in the doorway of his room, leaning against the frame with his arms crossed.

"When have I ever felt like it?" Calliope mumbled as she leant against the wall.

Sterling shrugged slightly. "You know you can't get out."

Calliope felt her hand instinctively raise to her chest. The letter 'A' had been tattooed into her chest. "Thanks for reminding me." She grumbled to herself.

"Candi!" Aiden's voice was heard from downstairs as music began playing.

"Go break a leg." Sterling gave her a small comforting smile.

"Don't tempt me." She replied quietly as her heels were heard going downstairs.

No matter how much she tried, the short, checkered skirt just wouldn't go any further down her legs. The white button up shirt had been tied just above her stomach, revealing every inch of her soft skin.

Calliope walked past the newly decorated lounge, and into the kitchen, which now had a fully stocked bar and a pole in the corner of the room.

"Come here a second sweetheart."

Calliope looked up as she saw Aiden by the back door. Following him out she shivered instantly, as the cold hit her bare skin.

"Reckon we could make something of this garden?" He asked as he took a seat on the chair, taking a quick swig from the bottle in his hand.

Calliope shrugged slightly as she continued shivering. Hearing voices behind her, she turned and looked back in the house. The girls had all gone downstairs and the group Aiden had met before were there. Apparently Sterling's leaflet disposal this afternoon had encouraged more guys.

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