Thank you

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*****Chapter 13 - Thank you*****

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Chapter 13 - Thank you

"That was next level fucked up." Eyeball continued to go on as he stood in Ace's kitchen, taking a sip from his bottle.

Ace nodded slowly in agreement as he leant against the counter.

"Like that's meant to be his wife!" Eyeball continued.

Ace once more nodded slowly, his eyes glued to the still full bottle in his hand.

"I mean it's bad enough he makes her do all that stuff for guys! Now he's literally chaining her up like a dog!" Eyeball still remained in shock at how they had seen Calliope being treated.

Ace couldn't reply. There were no words going through his head for what he had seen.

Eyeball continued pacing around Ace's kitchen as he looked about.

"You can't just let him carry on doing that right?" He asked as he turned to stare at Ace.

Ace's eyes, however, remained transfixed on the bottle in his hands. He couldn't drink it.

"Ace?" Eyeball moved closer to him slowly. "Dude you even listening to me?"

Ace barely managed to shake his head as he slowly looked up at Eyeball, almost in a trance still.

"Oh dude you gotta get some sleep." Eyeball mumbled as he saw just how messed up it had seemed to have gotten Ace.

"Come on buddy. I got ya." Eyeball continued as he placed his own drink down and took Ace's from his hand.

Ace put up no resistance as he let Eyeball lead him out the room and slowly upstairs, into his room.

"Just sit down gently." Eyeball barely spoke as he managed to get Ace down on the bed.

Instantly Ace fell backwards as he crashed onto the bed, staring up at the ceiling.

"Try and sleep." Eyeball muttered as he chucked a blanket over Ace.

He found himself walking towards the window as he looked out, hearing the rain now starting.

He regretted that decision in a split second.

Eyeball recognised Calliope instantly.

The collar still around her neck as the lead was now tied around one of the fence posts.

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