I trust you

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*****Chapter 27 - I trust you*****

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Chapter 27 - I trust you

"Of course the pleasure was all ours." Aiden spoke warmly as he stood in the front garden, his arm firmly around Calliope.

"It's a shame you can't do dinner tomorrow." Dorothy spoke as she walked over to where her husband had pulled up an empty car.

"Sorry mum, work calls." Aiden answered with a smile. "Next time."

"Next time." Dorothy answered with a small smile.

"See you later loves!" She shouted as she gave them both a small wave.

Calliope and Aiden both smiled and waved as she got in the car beside her husband, letting him quickly drive off.

"You got them?" Dorothy asked as he drove along.

He gave her a small nod. "We got them."

Dorothy placed a hand over her mouth before it fell to her chest.

"Those poor girls." She mumbled as she looked out the window.

"Those free girls." Mr Lachance spoke as he leant his hand over to hold onto hers.


"You're gonna have to get your mum to stop with the fucking surprise visits." Aiden grumbled as he practically pulled Calliope back inside the house.

"It was just the once, I'm sure she-" Calliope started but stopped as Aiden turned and glared at her, slamming the front door behind him.

"Yes Aiden." She spoke a lot quieter.

Aiden gave her a small nod as he turned and saw Sterling standing in the kitchen doorway.

"Go upstairs and get ready." Aiden fired out at her.

Calliope looked between Aiden and Sterling, she knew how furious Aiden was over Sterling's actions when her mother was here.

"Aiden please-"

"NOW!" He snapped, swinging his arm out and smacking her on the chest.

"Go on Callie, I'll be fine." Sterling gave her the extra nod.

Calliope winced as she quickly stumbled and almost tripped, running up the stairs.

She burst into the girls bedroom as she heard the first crash from downstairs.

Slamming the door shut behind her she spun and looked around the room, where were the girls?

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