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Just gonna say, for this chapter... I really am sorry for what I portray between Calliope and Aiden...

As my fans I do hope you tell me if you think I ever go too far, I know this story has a plot that can rock the boat and I don't want to continue if it's going to make anyone uncomfortable.


*****Chapter 12 - Deadly*****

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Chapter 12 - Deadly

"Not quite a zillion." Calliope mumbled as she looked down at the six fish the kids had managed to successfully catch.

"Why would we catch a zillion?" Chris asked blankly.

"It's how many Denny said we would." Gordie blurted out before Calliope could answer.

Chris, Teddy and Vern all gave Gordie a sympathetic look as Calliope looked confused.

"Who's Denny?" She asked quietly.

"Gordie's brother." Teddy sighed out as Gordie walked over to the edge of the lake and sat down, bringing his knees up to his chest.

"He died almost two years ago now." Chris explained. "Jeep accident."

Calliope nodded slowly as she looked down at Gordie sat on the bank, sympathy flowed through her as she could only imagine the pain of losing a sibling.

"I think your hour is up anyway." Chris mumbled, giving her a small nudge.

Vern groaned. "Do you have to go?" He pleaded up at her.

"Sorry kid." She mumbled, reaching out to gently rest a hand on his head. "Work calls."

"What do you do?" Teddy asked curiously.

Calliope fell silent before shaking her head slightly, these kids were way too young to learn about the stripping industry.

"Never you mind." She teased slightly.

They let it go as she walked over to Gordie slowly and sat down, gently nudging his side with her own.

"You gonna be alright if I head off?" She asked him quietly.

Gordie continued to stare out at the water in front of him as he nodded.

"I'm sorry to hear about your brother." Calliope added.

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