Chapter 39: A Painful Truth

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Quick Note:

Sorry for late updates... :/
It's just my summer class has started so my sched would be surely more hectic and crapped. T_T but oh well.. :) I'm gonna still give this touch ups with all that I could! :)
Haha! Geez!!!! XD

          The sound of my own voice echoing in my head woke me up from my deep rest. I literally jolted up from the bed as soon as my senses hit my consciousness. The haunting sound of my own voice creeps up my head as I start to sweat coldly and my blood drained down from my face. All the realities and truths I am longing to know just voluntarily opened itself to me and rapidly enter my memory. Within a small measure of time, my eyes just felt opened up once again, revealing all the memories and hurts the time itself buried in the past of my life.

My breathing is heavy and filled with sorrow as I momentarily loss my sense around me. Agony and pain quickly fill my heart after realizing that I just did uncover everything that keeps me from knowing the truth. My eyes started to water and eventually let the tears fall for my heart couldn't take all the pain anymore. This then lead to my sudden burst out when I finally found my voice and used it to let out all my feelings and emotion.

"No!!! No!!!" I cried at the top of my lungs.

My room is in deep silence for a quite long time so my cries and noises quickly got the attentions of the staffs outside. They eagerly ran up to my place once they saw my figure. Then I started feeling their holds on me as they do their work to calm me down and stop me from messing around.

"No!!! No! No!, wait!!!... Wait!!!" I screamed telling them to let me breath for a moment.

The old doctor, whom I talked about my past before, seemed get my plead so he tells his assistants to give me space. He even whispered something in their ears which is inaudible for my hearing but relieved my senses. Because the nurses then hesitantly walked away and out of the room, leaving me and the doctor all alone by ourselves.

"Dear... Listen to me, alright?" He said which I responded with a slow nod. "What's the matter?" He asked discreetly.

I stayed silent and stared blankly on his face for a while. His eyes show such concern and worry as they stare deeply into mine, trying to figure out my feelings and read my mind through them. I let out a soft and shaky sigh while closing my eyes and preparing myself to spill the words out. He becomes more eager to know as he watches me collect my thoughts and find my voice from within. But just as I opened my mouth to speak, the door creaked open and he stepped inside the room, leaving me and the doctor surprised with his sudden appearance.

He looked at us surprised after seeing our reaction to him. But he managed to say some words though his face shows pure shock in seeing me and the doctor.

"Did I disturb you?" Andrej asked a little embarrassed.

He didn't get any respond from the two of us for a while. This then gave him a hint to be somewhat suspicious, so his aura suddenly changed that made my heart to skip a beat. He successfully hide his sudden changed in emotion when he looked up to the doctor and gave him a fake, warm smile. The doctor quickly shot it back to him, assuring him that he didn't interrupt anything special when he surprisingly stepped inside the room.

"Ah well... Nothing, son. I'll just leave you two for a while to talk, alright?" The doctor said and aimed to leave when Andrej suddenly stopped him from his pace.

"And where do you think you're going?" He asked that made the doctor to stop and freeze on his place.

The doctor starts to stutter, his sweats run down cold on his temple. He started backing away while Andrej walks up to him slowly. Fear radiates from the doctor as he snickered away from Andrej. Then he tensed up even greater when Andrej suddenly stopped moving, and just stared at him in the eyes in a very deadly manner.

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