Chapter 2: Afraid And Lost

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Author's Note:

I really feel sad about her... :(
But still let see what she's gonna face now... (°+°)

I weakly walk down the road with no specific place to go. My head is aching and my vision is blurred because of dizziness and tears. I cry softly as I continue to walk not caring where my feet will take me. All I'm thinking is to get away from that house and never to return again. I can't bear my father anymore. I cannot spend even another second in that house. I'm so tired and sick of all those repeating beatings and pains. I just don't want to feel it again and I'd rather be alone than to die in his hands. No more will I be stupid and shit to stay with him. Not anymore.

My legs couldn't take me anymore and I end up collapsing on the street. I look around and see nothing except the streetlights that give dim lights to the whole surroundings. I breathed out heavily as leaned my back against the brick wall of a building that stands on the street where I collapsed. I rested my head back and closed my eyes as I think of any place that I could go to. I'm unnoticed in this city so I don't have any friends or neighbors that knows me. So its really hard to think where to go, and added to my problem is that I'm out in the middle of the night where no one would help me or just see me.

I slowly open my eyes and roam around to see for anything or anyone that I can ask for help. Still nothing can be seen than the streetlights and darkness. I sighed as I stood up once again to continue my walk. But then I stop when I saw a figure from afar. I couldn't make it out clearly for my vision is still blurry and it's quite far from me. But nervousness creeps up my body when I realized it's walking up towards me.

I started to panic and back away. Then I turn around and start to run when it came nearer. I run fast as I try to escape the creature that's now chasing me. I quickly turn inside an alley to hide from it and save myself. I hide behind the trashcans while waiting for it to come and pass.

My breathing hitched and my body shakes when I see a shadow blocked the lights that's casting from the entrance of the alley. Then fear starts to grow in me when I heard footsteps coming. I put my shaking hands on my mouth to silent my sobs. Then carefully listen to the footsteps that suddenly stopped on it's tracks.

"I know you're in there..." I heard a deep and husky voice rang.

I shut my eyes tightly and bit my lip to prevent sobbing. Then I heard the footsteps echoed in the whole place again. My heart beats faster and faster as the footsteps come closer. Then I almost forgot breathing when the man showed up and stood in front of me. I am hiding in the shadow so he didn't see me in the dark. But the knife in his hand caught my eyes as it glinted in the light from the entrance.

The stranger continues to walk deeper in the alley searching for me. And when I assured he's far enough from me, I quickly stood up and ran outside the alley. But before I could completely get out of the place, a hand quickly pulled me and dragged me back inside.

I flinched as my back hit the wall hardly. Then I felt a pressure being applied in front of me. Like someone is straddling me against the wall. I start to cry softly as I feel the pressure being added until I couldn't move my body anymore. Then I feel something sharp placed against the skin of my neck and hot air blowing on the side of my face.

"You think you can escape from me huh?... Well think again!" He chuckled evilly in ear.

"P-please... D-don't h-hurt m-me... Please.." I whispered still traumatized from my father.

The stranger moved and breathed out in my ear. "I'm not gonna hurt you... If you're not going to fight..." He trailed off as I feel the sharp thing leaves my neck.

He then shifted and pressed his body harder against mine. I gasp as I feel his breath against my ear. Then I feel his cold lips made contact against my hot skin.

"No... No, don't please.. Don't..." I whispered begging him to stop.

I breathed heavily as he trailed down kisses from my ear to my neck. My shaking hands grip on his jacket tightly as he snaked his hands around my waist.

I let tears fall as he kisses my neck softly. He slowly kissed it up to my jawline until his breath hits my shuddering lips. I slowly push him away attempting to get out of his grip. But he took my arms and forcefully pinned it on the wall.

"I told you, you won't get hurt, if you won't fight... So if you don't want to die... Don't. Move." He whispered and slides his hands down my body.

I gasped and tried to push him away when he started to touch me on places. But he pressed on me even harder and straddle me against the wall.

"Let me go!!!" I cried as I try to get away from him.

He just chuckled and straddled me more. Then he starts to kiss down on my neck as he held me up to him.

"Stop! Please!!!" I cried as I pushed him away.

He kissed down on my neck roughly and slipped his hands inside my shirt. He roamed his hand on my body satisfying himself from me.

"Please!!! Stop!!!" I screamed though no one would hear.

He kissed me up to my jawline until he met my lips. He muffled my cries as he roughly graze his lips on mine. He then suddenly forced his tongue to my mouth and roamed inside. He keeps on touching me till he reached up my chest. I cried on the kiss as he starts to play his hand on me.

He broke away from the kiss only to take my shirt off of me. I fought and squirmed but my body is too weak to save myself. And as painful as it it is to think, I couldn't do anything but cry and scream for help though there's no possibility for that to come. And I just accepted the truth that there's nothing I could do more but give myself to this stranger, and be raped with no chance of fighting to save myself.

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