Chapter 32: Secrets And Confessions

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Quick Note:
Okay first thing first.... I'M REALLY, REALLY SORRY I DIDN'T UPDATE FOR LIKE A MONTH!! T_______T
I mean, I got sick... :( AGAIN. +_+ And I was bedridden for Weeks and it's oh so hard to keep up on my story!! *_*
Plus I'm having a very serious chronic writers' block, and it's all a shit! +_+
But anyway, here's the update now. Hope you also like this one and please... Keep voting! ^_^ It means a lot like I'm very thankful for all of it!!! (reads/votes/comments) they're all inspirations for me!! Really thanks for all of that my pips!! :* and hope... You keep loving meh!! XD haha!! Coz' I really! Really love you all!! <3 ^_^

My head is pounding and my vision is blurry when my eyes slowly opened. The ceiling quickly greeted my sight as the light starts to enter my eyes. I started looking around my whole surrounding and I realized I'm back in a very familiar place. In Andrej's apartment. I gaze around hoping to see his figure somewhere. But not even a glimpse of his shadow showed as I roamed around the whole place.

I tightly shut my eyes and put my still trembling hand on my temple when a very terrible pain suddenly shoot in my head. I grunted as I weakly shake my head to brush off the pain and regain my normal vision. My eyes watered as the pain slowly faded and my head starts to get light. But still drowsiness and dizziness occupy my brain together with a painful sensation at the back of my neck.

With all of my remaining energy, I stood up from my place and tried to walk to the kitchen despite of my blurring vision and heavy pounding head. I used the wall for my balance because my legs are too weak to carry my body. But I suddenly fell hardly on the floor when my hand touched the doorknob of his room and I accidentally opened it, making the half part of my body fall inside. My headache gets even worse and additional pains quickly crept up my body as it made contact with the floor. I grunted through gritted teeth while entangling my fingers in my hair very tightly and curling up in a ball on my place because of the very mind-blowing pain the shoots up my every nerve. I then started breathing heavily as my whole self gets tired of all the hurts and miseries that come to me.

"What the hell is happening to me?..." I whispered under my exhausted breath.

After spending some time to calm my nerves down, I slowly get up and stand back on my shaking feet. My head feels a lot heavier as I keep myself awake and moving. Right now, rest is the only thing I needed to have my energy back. But I'm pretty sure a whole day sleep wouldn't be enough to fade all my hurts away. What I need is more than a simple cure or treatment which is like staying in the hospital and drinking lots of ibuprofen medicines.

I was about to continue my walk to the kitchen when a part of Andrej's room suddenly caught my sight. This made me to stop on my pace and turn my body to face it. I remember him never letting me to get inside the room or even have a little glimpse of it for a while. This memory hits a nerve of curiosity in my head and I couldn't help myself from finding what it is that he could be hiding inside this four walls, especially now that's it's showing itself to me and teasing my desire to look at it.

As careful as I could, I slowly take my steps toward the entrance of the room. My heart is racing in my chest as different thoughts swirl in my mind. Lots of possibilities keep on running in my head as I get more excited, and scared, to find out what is really inside his room. My mind was so occupied with all my own thoughts that I didn't even realize I already made it to the center of the room. It is quite dark with the only light being emitted is from the small red lamp standing on the table. And the whole room is very silent and lonely just like the whole apartment itself. Base on everything I see here, I can say Andrej might really be an anti-social person. Because his whole place is just so boring, but still he can manage to live in it in everyday that God has created for living. But then I smiled to myself when I realize, he's not that different from me.

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