The Call

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"Ms. Wallace there is a call for you on your private line." My assistant said handing me my personal cellphone. I groaned and took the phone from her.

"Hello?" I questioned as I took a step away from my computer.

"How is my favorite author?!" I heard my over excited Publisher Malcolm ask.

"Why are you calling my private line? You got me a work phone for this reason." I said annoyed.

"Charlotte, you don't answer your work phone either..." Malcolm said.

"Because a pushy publisher of mine is wanting a second book and I'm highly busy." I said annoyed. I went to look out my big window in my apartment overlooking Central Park in New York. I saw all the leaves changing colors and smiled knowing my favorite season, autumn was arriving. "Autumn is the best time of the year." I mumbled.

"So, write about autumn." Malcolm said. I shook my head even forgetting I was on the phone.

"Malcolm just let me get off the phone." I said.

"How far are you into the next book?" He asked.

"I have a few ideas I'm throwing around in my head. Once I pick one you will be the first to know." I said and I heard a heavy sigh.

"You have a week to pick one Charlotte." Malcolm said and hung up. I walked to my assistant and handed her my phone.

"No calls from anyone. I have a week to pick a topic." I said and she smiled with a nod. I loved working from my loft apartment. It gave me time to think. I walked back to my computer at my desk and just stared at the blank screen. After about 30 minutes I still had nothing. I was about to start typing when my assistant walked back in.

"Charlotte..." she said and I looked up at her.

"Yeah?" I questioned.

"There is another call for you..." she said sounding so small.

"I didn't want any call interruptions." I said.

"She said she is your Aunt Pepper." My assistant said and I just looked at her slightly shocked.

"Um...okay yeah, I'll take it." I said grabbing my phone from her.

"Aunt Pepper?" I questioned holding the phone up to my ear.

"Charlotte, you are one hard girl to get ahold of." Aunt Pepper said and I sighed.

"I told dad and Oliver I had a new number, did neither of them not give it to you?" I questioned.

"Not until just now. Listen, I'm going to cut to the point. You need to come home Charlotte." Aunt Pepper said. The words she said sent a shiver down my spine.

"What? Why?" I questioned. I heard her sigh and then the phone got shuffled around.

"Listen, I know you got your high and mighty life going on right now in New York, but things are happening here and you need to get home." I heard a male voice said and I placed it instantly as my older brother Oliver.

"Oliver, I am in the middle of work I can't just stop and...-" I started to say.

"Charlotte mom is dying!" Oliver semi yelled into the phone. His words hit me like a brick wall, and I instantly felt the wind get knocked out of me.

"I just talked to her 4 days ago, she was fine." I said shocked.

"It's cancer, she has had it for months. She wanted to tell you in person, but you refuse to come home." Oliver said. I didn't want to have this fight with him, not now.

"Okay listen, I have some calls to make, pack and I will be in the road. It will take me about 3 hours to get there. Where should I go?" I questioned.

"The house." Oliver said.

"Okay see you soon." I said and hung up. I rushed into my bedroom, my assistant, Monica, followed.

"Charlotte, is everything okay?" She asked as I started packing clothes.

"I have to go home to Boston for a family emergency." I said.

"What about writing?" Monica asked. I didn't get mad at her because she was doing what I paid her to do and keeping me on schedule. I just started throwing all my fall clothes into my suitcase.

"Listen, I will take my computer and my work phone as well but I have to get to Boston." I said and zipped up a suitcase and started on a smaller bag.

"Can you go get my computer and place it in the carrying case please. Don't forget the charger." I said as I finished my bags. I was placing them by the door when Monica came walking in with my computer bag.

"Would you hate house sitting for me?" I questioned and she shook her head.

"Not at all. Do you need me to do anything else?" Monica asked.

"I just need my work phone." I said.

"It's in your computer bag. What about Malcolm?" Monica asked and I groaned.

"I'll call him on my way. Thanks for staying." I said and grabbed all my bag, my keys and rushed out the door. I got to my car and loaded it up. Before I pulled out of my buildings parking deck I called Malcolm.

"Wow that was quick, you writing?" Malcolm asked and I sighed.

"Listen I don't have time for details right now but due to a family emergency I have to go home to Boston." I said and I heard Malcolm sigh.

"Can't it wait until you finish the next book?" Malcolm asked.

"The book I haven't even started? No, it can't. I'm taking my work with me so I will see what I can do. But I won't be able to be reached for a couple of days. Monica is house sitting for me so if you need anything from there call her." I said and hung up. I quickly pulled out of the parking deck and headed towards my hometown. 

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