Coming Around...

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A few days later I was sitting on the front porch one morning enjoying the crisp fall morning. I was sipping on a cup of coffee wrapped in a blanket when a car pulled in my driveway and I saw Nat get out of it. I immediately got nervous.

"Not enough for you to try and kick me out of your diner and yell at me at the bar, now you come to my house?" I asked and she sighed.

"I come bearing Witchcraft Donuts." She said and I half smiled.

"That's still in business?" I asked and she nodded.

"Agatha took it over." Nat said and walked up on the porch. She sat in the chair next to me putting the donuts between us. We didn't even look at each other or say anything.

"Why are you here Nat?" I asked as I felt the tears stinging my eyes again. Talking to these people I hurt.

"I know why you're here." Nat said and I turned to look at her.

"No you don't." I said and she huffed a laugh.

"Yes I do, your mom and dad told me. After I yelled at you at the bar when you left I had to go to the diner, your mom and dad were there and told me." Nat said and I sighed as a few of the tears fell.

"Nat..." I said and she shook her head.

"Why didn't you say anything?" Nat asked.

"Because I wasn't supposed to. Mom didn't want a lot of people to know. I think I know why she told you though." I said.

"Why's that?" Nat asked and I just looked at her in amazement.

"Come one Nat, you spent most of your childhood here staying the night on weekends." I said.

"And then Steve and Bucky came along and we snuck them in as teenagers." Nat said and we laughed.

"Yeah I can't believe we got away with that especially with how loud they were climbing the tree." I said.

"I'm sure your parents knew. Oliver probably told." Nat said and I nodded.

"Probably." I said and sighed. "I never meant to hurt everyone." I said after a couple minutes of silence. Nat just groaned.

"Then why write the book Charlie?" Nat asked.

"I was just writing about my life growing up here and everyone who played a major part in my life." I said and Nat just shook her head.

"Also letting out tons of secrets about everyone." Nat said.

"I changed names." I said.

"Not the point. It was pretty easy to figure out who was meant to be who." Nat said and I hung my head.

"Can I ask what he thought about it?" I asked and Nat slightly shook her head.

"He wasn't happy, especially reading chapter 8." Nat said and I groaned.

"It was a major part of my life with him. I mean I gave him everything that night." I said.

"Which billions of people didn't need to know!" Nat said and I just gave a small nod. "Listen, I didn't come here to fight or argue. I know Bucky wanted me to try with you and then I found out the truth. I know I'm not meant to tell anyone else in the group but Bucky and I are now tag teaming and we are going to try and get everyone to come around." Nat said and I smiled at her.

"Good luck on Steve." I said, she huffed a laugh.

"Bucky will beat him up if he doesn't want to listen." Nat said and we laughed. As we laughed we both grabbed a donut and the door opened.

"Nice to hear this from you two." Myra said and I smiled at my mom.

"You didn't have to tell her." I said and Myra shook her head.

"I knew the best person to have in your corner would be Nat, she needed to know." Myra said and I looked over at Nat.

"She is the best, always was." I said.

"And don't forget it." Nat said and I smiled at her. Nat handed my mom the box of donuts, she took one then headed back in the house.

"So Steve and Sharon...." I said and Nat groaned.

"Trust me, none of us like it. Steve just wont listen." Nat said and I sighed.

"Well she accused me of coming back to win him back after 12 years." I said and Nat laughed.

"Right...." Nat said and I nodded.

"I do wish he would talk to me like an adult though and not attack me or ignore me. It's like he has 2 modes with me. And I get it, don't get me wrong but I mean we have to be adults eventually right?" I asked and Nat sighed with a nod.

"Like I said give me and Bucky time. He might be the last to come around but he will." Nat said and I nodded. She then looked at her watch and groaned.

"Okay well I have to go be diner owner." Nat said standing up and I stood up with her.

"Can we do this again? Maybe dinner or something even bring Bucky?" I asked and Nat nodded.

"I would like that." Nat said.

"Would it be wrong or too soon to ask for a hug?" I asked.

"God I hope not because I want one too." Nat said and we laughed as I pulled her into a tight hug.

"I missed you Nat-Nat." I said and she laughed in our hug at the stupid nickname.

"I missed you too Cha-Cha." Nat said once we broke apart. Once we did she walked down to her car, waved, got in and drove off. I went inside and walked up to my mom and hugged her while she sat on the couch.

"Thank you." I said and she smiled.

"We all need a best friend in out corner." Myra said. I sat beside her on the couch and placed my head on her shoulder.

"I love you mom." I said and she kissed the top of my head.

"Love you too Charlie." She said and we sat in a comfortable silence just the tv as background noise.

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