Nat & Bucky Approve

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I was sitting at the diner waiting for Nat and Bucky to show up. As I was waiting I had a few people shooting me glances and I didn't even know who they were. I sighed and just looked down at the table. I felt someone looking at me from the counter and it wasn't like the normal looks I was getting and I looked up to see Steve standing there. I sighed and gave a small smile, he gave one in return but then was handed a to-go bag and went to leave. I turned back around but then felt a presence standing there.

"Eating alone?" Steve asked and I shook my head.

"Waiting on Nat and Bucky." I said. Steve sighed.

"Yeah they said they were talking to you now." Steve said.

"Yeah, they are. You going to be able to deal with that?" I asked and Steve shrugged.

"Their life, their choices. You made fools out of them like you did the rest of us. They want to give you a chance that's on them. Just don't expect the same common courtesy from all of us." Steve said and I nodded.

"I know, I do hope you and I could sit and talk eventually." I said and Steve sighed.

"Don't think that will happen. I'm not there Charlotte, I'm sorry." Steve said as Nat and Bucky walked in. They saw Steve at the table and rushed over.

"Hey man, you joining us?" Bucky asked and Steve held up the to-go bag shaking his head.

"No just picking up burgers for Sharon and I." Steve said and I felt a knife in my heart.

"Well have fun." Nat said.

"Yeah you guys too, just be careful." Steve said and looked at me.

"I'm not a lion looking to attack Steve." I said and he didn't say anything walked away. Bucky and Nat sat down and looked at me.

"You okay?" Bucky asked and I sighed.

"I just wish he would talk to me." I said.

"Maybe if you told him why you are here..." Nat said and shook my head.

"No, then it would be a pity talk. Which is one question I have to ask you guys. This isn't that from you is it?" I asked and they shook their heads.

"No, we talked it over even before your mom approached me. I missed you and was so happy you were back but my damn heartbreak kept coming into play. I finally beat that bitch up." Nat said and I laughed.

"Well at least I have you two which means so much to me. I have to eventually try Sam and Wanda but I have to see how it goes." I said and they nodded.

"Well I'm still talking to everyone about it. I mean we all need to be the group again since you are back." Bucky said and I smiled.

"I would love to hang out with everyone again. As long as Steve and She-devil aren't around I don't think that's going to happen." I said causing Nat and Bucky to laughed.

"She-devil...I like it. Can I use it?" Nat asked and I nodded.

"Go for it, please say it to her face for me...try and record when you do too." I said and Nat nodded.

"Got it." Nat said and Bucky shook his head.

"This is going to be dangerous again isn't it? You two together." Bucky said. I looked at Nat and then we looked at Bucky.

"You know it." I said and we laughed some more. We soon placed our order and I took a deep breath.

"I need to talk to you about something and I need your honest opinion and just so you know even though not everyone talks to me, I will be getting everyone's opinion." I said and they looked at me oddly. I pulled out the printed first chapter of the new book and set it on the table. The read the title and saw it was a sequel.

"Char.." Nat said.

"Listen okay, it's just about the main character coming home and dealing with everything she left. I'm leaving out moms cancer. I want you two to read what I have so far but if you say no, then I don't write it. The saved file gets deleted and this get shredded." I explained and they sighed.

"Can we read it now?" Bucky asked and I nodded.

"If you would like to." I said and they nodded and moved closer to each other in the booth and started reading. I sat nervous and they finished as our food was delivered and set the chapter on the table and slid it back to me. They had a little whispering conversation then looked at me.

"Continue, at least we say to. You still need to talk to everyone else." Bucky aid and I nodded.

"Of course I will. Thank you both for being open minded." I said and they nodded and we started eating. 

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