We're Going Out

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It had been a few days since Steve found out what was wrong with my mom. We discussed that I did need to tell the rest of the group soon since now only Sam and Wanda didn't know. I also knew I needed to let Steve read what I was writing before I told everyone. I figured he was going to be mad at me again. I was sitting in my room one night working on the book when there was a knock on my door.

"Yeah?" I asked and the door opened. Nat came walking in.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked.

"Get your ass up from the desk, we are going out tonight." Nat said and I shook my head.

"No, I'm going to keep my ass here...thanks." I said and she groaned.

"Oh come on! Steve and you are getting along and we can all hang out again." Nat said.

"Yeah well...I haven't told him about this yet and I'm scared to. I mean I broke down in front of him the other day Nat." I said and she sighed.

"I know, he told Bucky. Just come out with us. Have a drink and just catch up on everything." Nat said and I sighed.

"Fine, let me get changed." I said and grabbed some clothes from my closet and walked into the bathroom. I did my hair, make-up and changed into some tight black jeans, a red tank top with a grey flannel button up left open. I walked into my room putting on my boots and we headed out. I drove my own car to the bar and once we got there I saw everyone sitting at the normal table but I also so John behind the bar.

"I'll be right there." I said and Nat nodded. Once I reached John he smiled at me.

"You walked in with Nat." He said and I nodded.

"Yeah she invited me to come hang out with everyone since Steve and I talked." I said and he looked at me shocked.

"You and Steve talked?" John asked.

"Yeah the other day. It was time." I said not telling John the whole truth.

"Well that's just great..." John said annoyed.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Just Rogers here to take something else from me." John said and went to walk away and I grabbed his arm.

"Hey! What are you talking about?" I asked.

"My ex-wife...Sharon Carter! The one who held a torch for Steve for years! Our entire marriage!" John said and I sat in shock and then looked at the table and Sharon was hanging all over Steve.

"Sharon was your ex?" I asked and he nodded.

"Yeah now I have to watch her get what she wants but since you are back in town to win him back she will get what she deserves." John said.

"Hey! Whoa! Who said I was wanting to win him back?" I asked.

"Well it's why you're here right?" John asked and I groaned.

"No, come with me." I said grabbing his arm and dragging him to the table.

"What the hell is going on?!" John asked as we got to the table.

"Okay I need all of you to hear me loud and clear. I am not back in town to win Steve back. Steve and I just talked and are working out where we are as friends. I came back into town to be with my family because my mother has cancer and is going through chemo." I said. The table went silent. John wouldn't make eye contact with me. Nat got up and put her arm around me when she saw my eyes fill with tears.

"Hey, Charlotte...I didn't know..." John said and I groaned.

"No you didn't, you couldn't trust me when I told you it was never about Steve. Did I date Steve? Yes! Did I fuck everything up when I left town? Yes! Am I going to constantly pay for that? Yes! But you need to realize it we have all moved on and grown up." I said and then looked at Sharon. "Well not all of us..." I said and she glared at me. Steve sighed and grabbed my hand that I had placed on the table.

"I want of us in this group right now to end this crap with Charlotte. She had enough going on in her life that she doesn't need shit from anyone else. I gave her enough and she will never know how bad I feel about it." Steve said and I shook my head.

"If I had been in your shoes I would have done the same thing." I said and he smiled.

"So what does this mean going forward?" Sharon asked and I just looked at her.

"What do you mean what does it mean?" Bucky asked.

"Well is she hanging out with us now?" Sharon asked and I just looked at her.

"I'm right here? Would it be better for you if I walked away?" I asked.

"It would be better if you just go away and go back to New York." Sharon said.

"Sharon!" Steve said.

"What?! I'm sorry about your mom, sad story, I get it but seriously you are just going to sit around and watch her die?" Sharon asked. I didn't hear anything of what the whole table was yelling at her I reached over to her and smacked her across the face. She snapped back and smacked me. That was all it took and I attacked I punched her in the face. I wasn't sure how many punches I got in until I was being pulled off by Bucky and Oliver. Steve and John pulled Sharon away from me.

"Go home." Oliver growled at me.

"No!" I said annoyed. "She is going to get what is coming to her!" I said trying to lunge at her again but I was held back.

"Charlotte! Go home!" Oliver said. I sighed, got out of his and Bucky's grip and walked out of the bar. John followed me.

"Charlotte." John said and I groaned.

"What John?" I asked stopping and turning around.

"You can't let her get to you." John said and huffed a laugh and I crossed my arms.

"Not let her get to me?! Are you fucking serious?! Did you hear what she said?!" I asked.

"Yeah I did, maybe she has a point." John said and I thought about smacking him but thought against it.

"Fuck you John Walker. You and Sharon fucking deserve each other." I said and walked to my car driving home.


I went directly home from the bar and just laid on my bed. It had been about an hour and I was still laying there looking at the ceiling. The room was silent until there was a tapping on my window. I was confused, got up and looked. I saw Steve crouching down at my window.

"What the fuck?!" I asked 

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