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It was Thanksgiving Day, and I was so excited to be going to Pepper and Tonys to have a huge family Thanksgiving. Steve and I were so excited to finally have our first holiday together. I was getting dressed in my bedroom when there was a knock on my door, and I opened the door.

"You look cute." Myra said and I smiled. I saw my mom trying her best to do something with her hair, but she failed. She had recently lost some due to chemo and she was very self-conscious.

"Thank you, you looked cute too." I said and she sighed.

"I need help Charlie..." She said as I saw her eyes well with tears and I sighed.

"No crying on thanksgiving. Come in here with me." I said taking her hand and sitting her down at my vanity. I put a little make up on her since the chemo had washed out all of her coloring. I then smiled and went to my closet. "I have something I want to try, can you just go with it?" I asked and she nodded. I pulled a scarf from my closet and she sighed.

"I don't want to wear a scarf remember." Myra said and I sighed.

"I know mom but no one is going to care. Let's just try it okay?" I said and she sighed but nodded. I walked up behind her and started typing it around her head and actually made it looks really nice and she smiled at me in the mirror.

"I love it Charlie, thank you." Myra said and I hugged her. I felt y own eyes welling with tears.

"I love you mom." I said and she smiled and kissed my check.

"I love you too kiddo. I'm so happy you came back home." Myra said and I smiled.

"Me too." I said as we broke apart. We smiled as we headed out of my room.

"Are you riding with dad and I?" Myra asked as we walked downstairs.

"No, Steve should be here any minute to pick me up." I said as there was a knock on the door. I smiled when I opened the door and saw Steve standing there in a grey button-up and black jeans. He leaned in and gave me a small kiss.

"You look beautiful." Steve said once we broke apart.

"You don't look half bad yourself. I looked out in his truck and saw his mom.

"It's not just us?" I asked and he shook his head.

"Actually, Myra, Cliff, my mom was wondering if she could ride with your guys? She was missing you guys." Steve said and Myra got excited.

"Of course, she can! We should head out. Charlie, don't forget the stuffing and cranberry sauce." Myra said and I nodded.

"I'll help, let me just my mom situated." Steve said and I nodded. I waited at the door and once Steve came walking back inside, I shut the front door. Before I could comprehend anything, he had me pinned against the front door and was passionately kissing me. His lips moved from mine to my neck.

"Steve, we have to go." I moaned out and he shook his head and bunched up my dress, stuck his hand in my panties and ran a finger up and down my slit making me moan out.

"I think you have another idea Charlie..." Steve said and I sighed as I reached for his belt, I started unbuckling his pants. I moved my panties to the side after I got his throbbing member him his pants and boxers. He hoisted me up against the door, I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. He positioned himself at my opening and I lowered myself down on him crying out, he was stretching me more than he ever had. Steve groaned as he started thrusting into me, I leaned down and passionately kissed him as he thrust. We broke our lips apart but left them only a breath away from each other. Steve started thrusting hard and faster.

"Steve, I'm so close..." I whispered and he nodded.

"Milk me babe, all of me..." Steve said and I moaned as I clenched around him once he swelled. My legs started shaking while holding on around him as I released. I felt Steve give a few more hard thrusts with a grunt as he finally released, and I shook around him. Once we were both calmed down, I unwrapped myself from Steve and he leaned down and passionately kissed me.

"Really?!" I said and smacked his chest. He laughed as I went into the half bath and cleaned myself up since I was leaking him and myself down my leg.

"You only have yourself to blame, you look so hot." Steve said and I shook my head. Once I had cleaned up, I walked into the kitchen.

"Make yourself useful and help me." I said and he laughed and came into the kitchen and grabbed the cranberry sauce and I grabbed the stuffing. We walked out to his car.

"Hey, I wanted to ask but not sound too asshole-ish...your mom was wearing a scarf, I thought she said no scarfs." Steve said and I sighed.

"Yeah um...this week she lost some hair and it hit her hard." I said and Steve looked at me trying not to cry. He took the dishes and set them on the backseat of the truck and then pulled me into a hug.

"Hey, it's okay..." Steve said.

"I can't lose her Steve, I wasted so much time being away, I can't lose her." I said and he sighed pulling me out of the hug and cupped my face.

"You won't lose her, she is a tough woman and is going to kick cancer's ass." Steve said and I smiled as he leaned in and gave a small kiss. Steve then helped me get in his truck.

"I just want to give her everything she had ever wanted before something happens." I said after a few minutes of silence since we got in the truck.

"But what does that entail Charlie?" Steve asked and I shrugged.

"Just for her to see Oliver and I happy...committed to someone...I don't know." I said and Steve looked at me.

"You mean married?" He asked panicked.

"What?! No! Just knowing we are taken care of and happy." I said and he let out a sigh of relief. I just looked at him. "Why did you freak out about marriage?" I asked and he sighed.

"I didn't mean to I just didn't think we were there. I mean I know I love you Charlie, that never went away but I mean I don't want to rush a marriage just because your mom might die." Steve said and I looked at him in shock. He groaned instantly knowing how that sounded. "Shit, I didn't mean that Charlie, I'm just saying you have been gone 12 years, people change we have to learn about each other again. I wouldn't want to rush into something like marriage just because...and this doesn't sound any better." Steve groaned.

"Just stop while your somewhat ahead." I said and looked out the window. He didn't say anything else. Once we arrived at Tony and Peppers, I got myself out of the truck. We both grabbed a dish and walked into the house no speaking. This was going to be a long night. 

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