Sharon Carter Happened

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I walked into the bar and didn't even worry about looking around and just walked up to the bar and sat on the first open stool I saw by where Oliver was.

"You came!" He said shocked.

"I told you I was." I said and he sighed.

"You are being looking at." Oliver said and I nodded.

"Not like that's something new." I said with a small laugh and Oliver smiled.

"Well what do you want to drink?" He asked.

"A beer and give me an order of bacon cheese fries." I said.

"Somethings never change." I heard a voice say taking the seat next to me and I looked to see Bucky sitting next to me.

"Actually, they do, I used to not be able to get the beer." I said and Bucky huffed a laugh.

"You need a pitcher refill Buck?" Oliver asked and he nodded.

"You better be careful Buck, you don't want to be shunned from group for talking to me, especially with your wife." I said and Bucky sighed.

"We don't all hate you, Charlie." Bucky said and I groaned.

"Really? The glares I feel on the back of my head are saying otherwise." I said and he sighed as Oliver handed him a full pitcher.

"Listen, I'm trying to get them to come around, but I think there is something you should know about Steve and why he wants you to leave." Bucky said and I looked at him confused.

"Bucky, what's going on?" I asked. Before he could answer the door to the bar opened and Bucky sighed.

"That's what happened." Bucky said and I saw her walk in, Sharon Carter. Sharon always wanted Steve in high school, hated that I had him and I knew would move in when I didn't come back. She walked up to Steve and passionately kissed him. I couldn't tell who instigated it more, him or her.

"How long have the been together?" I asked as I watched her walk up and kiss Steve.

"About 4 months. She just got divorced about a year ago and move right to Steve." Bucky said and I sighed.

"Are they serious?" I asked and Bucky nodded.

"Seems like it." Bucky said and I looked down at my beer.

"Thanks Buck." I said and he gave me a quick kiss on my cheek and walked away.

"You okay?" Oliver asked.

"You couldn't warn me about Sharon Carter?" I asked Oliver and he groaned.

"That thought slipped my mind." Oliver said and I shook my head.

"Well it makes sense like Bucky said as to why he is acting the way he is. He doesn't want me here to ruin it. I just wish I could tell him and the group why I was here." I said and Oliver sighed.

"Soon Charlie." Oliver said. I was about to say something until I heard her.

"Charlotte?! Charlotte Wallace?! Is that you?!" I heard the voice shriek from across the bar.

"Please kill me..." I said to Oliver, I groaned but forced a smile as she approached.

"Hey Sharon." I said turning on my barstool as she hugged me. God she was so fake, this is how she was in high school too. Be my best friend but want my boyfriend.

"Hey Sharon." I said as we broke apart.

"I didn't know you were in town." She said and I nodded.

"Came in the other day, going to be here for a while." I said and she smiled.

"That's amazing! It will be so nice to have you back." Sharon said and then sighed. She took my hand and I just looked at her oddly.

"Listen, I want to get this out in the open now. Steve and I are together." Sharon said and I half nodded.

"Okay...and your point?" I asked.

"Well I don't want it to be weird if you see Steve and I around town together." Sharon said.

"Sharon, Steve and I were a long time ago and that ended when I left and didn't come back. He has been fair game since. You want to be with him, go ahead." I said and Sharon looked at me oddly.

"You didn't come back for him now?" Sharon asked and I huffed a laugh.

"After 12 years?! No! I didn't come back for him. I'm back for other reasons." I said and Sharon looked at me oddly.

"Which is why?" Sharon asked and I huffed a laugh.

"If I thought it was your business I would tell you. Go back to you boyfriend and my old friends group that you finally weaseled your way into Sharon." I said and she just slight stomped her foot, walked back to the table. I turned and looked at Oliver.

"Can I get my fries to go? I cant be here." I said and he nodded walked over to the door to kitchen and yelled it in. I quickly finished my beer and once my fries were brought to me I threw some money down on the bar and went to walk out.

"Run away! It's what you're good at." Nat said. I stopped walking and turned to look at her. I was going to say something but Bucky mumbled something to Nat and she just went back to the group. I made eye contact with Steve. He saw that my eyes were filled with tears as I walked out. This trip home was turning out to be the worst decision I ever could have made.

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