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I was sitting in a chair in the ER waiting room. I had been here too much lately, and I just wanted everything to go back to normal. I knew the family was there. I knew Steve was on one side and Pepper was on the other, both holding my hands, but I felt nothing. I was worried I just wanted to wake up from this horrible dream. Oliver came walking over to me and crouched in front of me with a cup of something and I shook my head.

"No." I said.

"Come on, it's tea." Oliver said.

"Tea?! You brought me tea?! Our mother is dying, and you brought me tea?!" I semi yelled causing people around us to look.

"Charlie..." Oliver said.

"I don't want the fucking tea, Oliver!" I yelled and walked away from everyone to sit on my own. I crossed my arms and just stared at a spot on the wall.


I watched Charlie walk away and I looked at Oliver.

"Any news yet?" I asked.

"She's awake, woke up in the ambulance. All I know Steve is, this isn't looking good. The chemo is wrecking her body, more than it usually does. If it's not the cancer it's the chemo." Oliver explained.

"What are you saying Oliver?" Pepper asked overhearing.

"I'm saying that she talked to dad and me the other day about her wishes should something happen." Oliver said.

"And Charlie?" Pepper asked.

"Mom knew it was shitty but she knew Charlie would fight her on this so she just waited until she stayed the night with you the other night." Oliver said and pointed to me. I sighed.

"Someone needs to tell her." I said and Oliver nodded.

"Well dad isn't going to, I don't want to worry mom about it, I just tried to give her tea and she yelled at me, so I can only imagine..." Oliver said and then looked back at me.

"I'm sorry but I'm not taking this bullet." I said and Oliver groaned.

"I'll tell her." Someone said coming up to the group and it was Myra in a wheelchair being pushed by Cliff.

"Mom..." Oliver said hugged her.

'Where is she?" Myra asked and we all pointed.

"Over there pouting." Oliver said. Pepper punched his arm.

"She isn't pouting, she is upset." Pepper said and he groaned rubbing his arm.

"Let's go home." Cliff said and we all nodded. I went over to get Charlie.

"Hey." I said crouching down in front of her and she made eye contact. "Look over there." I said and pointed. She saw Myra sitting in a wheelchair. "Your dad wants to go home." I said and she nodded. We both stood up, she walked over to her mom and hugged her.

"You okay?" Charlie asked and Myra sighed.

"I was up too long and not resting, I overworked myself and with just having chemo yesterday it was too much." Myra said and I sighed.

"Well let's go home and get you in bed." Charlie said and we all walked out.

Once Charlie and I got to my trucks she looked at me.

"I don't think I can stay the night at your place tonight..." Charlie said and I nodded.

"I know, trust me. I am going to drop you off and then go home and get clothes. I want to stay with you." I said.

"Please use the front door this time." Charlie said and I laughed.

"I will don't worry." I said and we got in the truck.



Once we got home, I kissed Steve and he drove off. Once I got inside Myra was lying on the couch relaxing.

"Charlie, we need to talk." Myra said and I saw Oliver sitting there with Cliff.

"What is going on?" I asked.

"We need to talk about something. I need to tell you somethings." Myra said and I sighed. I went in and sat down. Cliff handed me a folder.

"What is this?" I asked opening the folder. "Funeral arrangements?!" I said upset.

"Okay listen...we did this other day when you were staying at Steve's." Myra said.

"When I stayed at Steve's?! You couldn't even let me be a part of this?!" I asked annoyed.

"We knew it would be a problem and we would get pushback." Oliver said and I slammed the folder shut.

"There wouldn't have been pushback! You think I don't know what's coming?! You think I don't know how this story ends?! You think I don't know any of it?! So you keep me out?!" I asked and everyone just looked at the floor. Myra took my hand and I looked at her.

"We know that Charlie and we only want to protect you like we always have. I know its stupid to do now but as a parent that's all I want to do. Now that we are telling you though I want to talk to you about what I want from you." Myra said and I looked at her.

"What do you need from me?" I asked.

"I would like you to write my obituary, my eulogy and be in charge of what I get buried in." Myra said and I nodded.

"I can do that." I said smiling even though I had tears filling my eyes.

"Also, I need you to do one more thing for me?" She asked.


"Don't screw this up with Steve. I already know how you will react if I go and you will shut everyone off. Don't shut him off, don't run. Stay, let him take care of you." Myra said and I huffed a laugh.

"I don't think Steve will give that option mom." I said and she shook her head.

"I don't think he will either. That boy has it bad for you like he did in high school." Myra said and I just slightly shook my head.

"I know he does...I feel the same way." I said and blushed hearing myself say it out loud.

"Good, I'm so happy you come back home." Myra said and I smiled.

"Me too. I'm sorry it took so long-..." I said and then looked at Cliff and Oliver. "I'm sorry to all of you. I never should have waited 12 years." I said and they all gave me small smiles.

"We are just happy you are here now." Cliff said and I smiled. I hugged my mom and then my dad. I saw Steve pull up outside.

"Get out of here, go with Steve." Myra said and I looked at her.

"I don't want to leave you alone. You just got back from the hospital." I said and she shook her head.

"Don't make that boy stay here with all of us. Go and have fun." Myra said, I giggled, kissed her cheek and got up.

"Not too much fun, we don't want grandbabies yet!" Cliff said and I laughed.

"Speak for yourself." Myra said and I rolled my eyes. Once I got to the door Steve was about to knock.

"Hey, change of plans. Mom wants me to come and stay with you." I said and he smiled.

"Let's go." Steve said and extended his hand.

"Bye guys!" I said and blew them all a kiss and headed out to Steve's truck.

Once we got to the truck, he made sure no one was watching from the front window, and he pinned me against the door to the truck and passionately kissed me.

"Let's get to my place...you're mine all weekend, and I don't plan on us leaving the bed." Steve said and I passionately kissed him. I got in the truck once we broke apart and we headed to Steve's house.

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