John Walker

613 56 7

I walked into the bar since Oliver was working and he smiled at me.

"Wow! You do exist!" Oliver said and I glared at him.

"Ha...ha." I said.

"Well you have been holed up in your room for 2 days! I was concerned!" Oliver said and I laughed.

"Well seeing as I wasn't really holed up and did come out once in a while means you don't pay attention." I said and he chuckled.

"Why were you holed up?" Oliver asked.

"Writing." I said.

"How's that coming?" Oliver asked and I shrugged.

"Annoying." I said and he laughed placing a drink on the counter in front of me.

"Oh hey, there is someone I want you to meet." Oliver said and walked down the bar and grabbed the other bartender.

"John, this is my baby sister Charlotte, Charlotte this is John Walker." Oliver said and I smiled shaking his hand.

"Nice to meet you John." I said and he smiled.

"So you are the writer that everyone in town wasn't too thrilled that returned?" John asked and I groaned.

"Yeah, you get pissed by my first book too?" I asked and he shook his head.

"Nope, I'm not even from here. Moved her about a year or so ago." John said and I nodded.

"How are you liking Ashland?" I asked and he smirked with a shrug.

"It's alright." John said and I just gave a small smile.

"Is that my munchkin?!" I heard a voice yell and I laughed with a groan knowing who just walked in and I looked at Oliver.

"Am I safe?" I asked and he shook his head. I turned on my barstool and smiled.

"Odinson!" I yelled excited, he rushed over to me and picked me up off the stool spinning me around.

"I heard you returned but then you were never here when I was here delivering." Thor said as Oliver and John started unloading all the beer cases.

"Well I can't sit around and wait on you all day Thor." I said and he smiled. Thor was in Oliver's class and they were good friends. Thor and I always joked about dating to annoy Oliver.

"I think you are the last person in town I have to see that I used to hang out with." I said and he feigned being hurt.

"You wound me Charlie." He said and I smiled. I went and sat back down and Thor joined me for a minute. I saw Steve come walking in with Sharon and I sighed.

"You okay?" Thor asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, I have to be right? I mean he moved on..." I said and Thor sighed.

"You hurt him bad." Thor said and I nodded.

"I know I did." I said. Oliver handed Thor back his clipboard after he signed for the delivery.

"Well better get back to work but let's get together soon okay munchkin?" Thor asked and I nodded as he kissed my cheek and walked out.

"You and Odinson? You two ever date?" John asked and I laughed shaking my head.

"We used to joke about it to piss Oliver off but no just really good friends." I said and John half nodded. Oliver brought over an order of cheese fries.

"You are amazing!" I said since I hadn't ordered them.

"I know you all too well." Oliver said. As I was eating I felt someone come stand beside me.

"Walker, can I get a pitcher please?" Steve asked. I tried not to acknowledge him.

"Charlotte..." Steve said.

"Steve." I said.

"You here alone?" Steve asked.

"Who would I be here with Steve?" I asked and he sighed.

"Not sure, I mean you are getting all of our old friends on your side." Steve said and I groaned.

"Can you not?" I asked finally turning to look at him.

"I don't know, can you not be in town and go back to New York?" Steve asked, getting his beer from John.

"That's enough Steve." John said and I gave John a small smile.

"You protecting her or something?" Steve asked.

"From you being hurtful, yeah someone has to stop you from being an ass." John said. I reached across the bar and grabbed John's arm.

"Don't go toe to toe with him, he isn't worth it." I said and looked at Steve.

"Go back to Sharon Steve, she is looking concerned that you are here talking to me." I said looking across the bar where they had sat down. Steve didn't say anything and he walked away. I just sighed when he did.

"You really need to talk to him and tell him..." Oliver said in a whisper to me.

"I would but mom doesn't want me to, not yet. He is just made because everyone else knows." I said and Oliver groaned.

"Someday soon, he may stop being an ass when you do." Oliver said.

"It's only in his nature to be an ass to me." I said, Oliver groaned and walked away. I looked at John and smiled.

"Thanks for standing up to him for me." I said and he smiled.

"Rogers thinks he is hot shit in this town. That was apparent when I moved here. So you wrote a book and didn't come back? Who cares." John said and I huffed a laugh.

"Don't let people hear you saying that too much." I said as he shook his head.

"I don't care Charlotte." John said and I smiled. "In fact, let me show you how much I don't care. Would you like to go out to dinner sometime this week?" John asked and I smiled broadly at him.

"Yeah, I would love to." I said and he smiled. I grabbed a pen from him and wrote my number down on a napkin.

"Call me when you are free." I said handing him the napkin. I finished my drink and fries. I looked at Oliver throwing some money on the bar.

"See you later bro." I said and walked out of the bar.


After I saw her at the bar and John stood up for her, it annoyed me. I knew I had no room to talk, I was being rude but Walker needed to butt out. I watched her write something down on a napkin and then left. I groaned to myself and looked at Sharon.

"I'm gong to place an order of fries." I said getting back up and walking to the bar, I walked right up to John.

"You got her number?" I asked and Walker nodded.

"I did, I asked her out." John said.

"You what? You can't do that?" I said I shock.

"And why not? She isn't with anyone." John said. I didn't know what to say because it was true she didn't belong to me anymore.

"Just don't hurt her John." I said.

"You have no right in what happens in her life anymore Rogers. You kicked her to the curb from the moment she came back. I'm just here to pick her up." John said. I wanted to haul off and punch John right now but Oliver moved John out of the way knowing.

"Steve, your order is in. I will bring it over, I know you want fries. Just got sit down." Oliver said and I groaned. I gave one final warning look to John and walked away. He wasn't a good guy and even if I couldn't have Charlotte, I didn't want her getting hooked in with him either. 

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