Wanda, Sam and Mom

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I walked into Witchcraft donuts and looked to see her sitting at the counter. I was surprised she offered to even meet me. I walked up to her and sighed.

"Wanda..." I said and she looked at me.

"Charlotte, no one knows I offered to meet you. I lied to Sam about where I was going."

"Sam still loyal to Steve?" I asked.

"We all are. You were in the wrong Charlotte." Wanda said.

"I know and I would love to try to make amends with everyone. I screwed up but recent events are making me take a long hard look in the mirror." I said and she sighed.

"You know you, Nat and Bucky talking about these recent events but won't say what it is. It's really making me think there is nothing and it's a lie to get you back in our good graces." Wanda said. I knew Wanda was going to be a tough one to break.

"Charlotte! I wondered when you would wander in here." Agatha said walking over to use and I gave a small smile.

"I couldn't stay away too long." I said.

"Can I get you anything?" She asked and I smiled.

"Um...hot chocolate please?" I asked and she nodded walking away. I looked back at Wanda.

"Listen, there is something. Nat and Bucky only know because someone, not me, felt like they had to be told. Once I get the all clear to tell people I will be." I said and Wanda groaned.

"Listen, I can see it in your eyes something is worrying you. You have never been good at hiding emotions." Wanda said and we both gave a small laugh.

"Yeah I never was especially with you." I said and she smiled. Agatha brought me my hot chocolate and I smiled as she walked away.

"Thank you." I said. I looked back at Wanda.

"Look, I'm writing another book and I have the first chapter done. I want to give it to you to read. Bucky and Nat have already and want me to continue. I want you to read it as well. I'm having everyone read it. Anyone of you doesn't agree to it, I stop." I said pulling it from my purse and Wanda sighed but took it from me.

"Wanda?! What the hell?!" I heard a voice say walking up to us.

"He found you." I whispered and she smiled at me. I turned in my seat and saw Sam.

"Hey Sam." I said.

"Charlotte." He said and gave a head nod.

"I wanted to meet her Sam..." Wanda said and I looked at Sam.

"Listen I don't want to cause trouble honestly but if you could both sit and read what I just gave Wanda then give me an honest yes or no about continuing it I will leave." I said. Sam look at the stack of papers that Wanda was holding. Sam just shook his head.

"Come on Sam, just sit." Wanda said. Sam sat next to Wanda after grumbling and they both started reading the manuscript. I sat sipping my hot chocolate as they read, nervous as hell. Once they finished, it was handed back to me.

"Finish it." Sam said.

"What?" I asked.

"Finish it, let's see where it goes." Wanda said.

"You know this whole interaction will be in there right?" I asked and they nodded.

"We know. Finish the book Charlotte. At least you are giving us a heads up this time." Sam said and I sighed.

"Will you always hate me Sam?" I asked.

"I don't hate you Charlotte. I wasn't happy with how you strung Steve along..." Sam trailed off.

"Strung Steve along?! He knew I was going to travel before college. He had every chance to go with me!" I said.

"No he didn't! You could leave, your life was perfect. He couldn't leave his mom alone!" Sam argued.

"Sarah told him to go! She was fine!" I said and he groaned.

"Okay you two stop it." Wanda said before it escalated more.

"You know you have no chance of getting him back..." Sam said and I just looked at him in shock.

"Never said I wanted to get him back Sam. I didn't come back for him." I said and Sam just sighed. He got up and walked out. Wanda watched him leave. "You can go after him." I said and she gave me a small smile and left. I sat at the counter for a minute as Agatha came back over and handed me a to go cup. I looked at her.

"Kicking me out?" I asked and she sighed.

"Don't need drama in here Charlotte." Agatha said. I grabbed the manuscript and the to go cup.

"Yeah of course, I bring drama on purpose." I said annoyed and left the donut shop. I walked out to my car and headed home. Once I arrived home I saw a nurse leaving and I rushed inside.

"Mom?!" I panicked.

"I'm fine, everything is fine. The doctor insists I have a home health aide start coming in a few times a week." Myra said and I sighed relaxing.

"Oh...I mean I can take care of you, I'm here." I said and she shook her head.

"I refuse to be a burden to my kids." Myra said and I groaned.

"You aren't a burden mom. I'm here to help and since I seem to bring drama everywhere when I go out anywhere it's better I stay home." I said and Myra looked at me confused.

"Who said that?" Myra asked.

"Agatha." I said.

"That witch? Don't listen to her." Myra said and I smiled.

"Yeah I guess..." I said as I sat on the couch.

"How did it go with Wanda?"

"Well it was going well until Sam showed up and start in on me. Tell me that I strung Steve along while I was gone and that I shouldn't expect to be back together with him..." I said and Myra shook her head.

"Did you tell him that him the Steve refused to go with you?" Myra asked and I nodded.

"It's not going to matter though honestly. I mean I'm the villain in this story." I said I pulled out the first chapter I had done. Myra took it from me instantly and started reading it.

"Mom!" I said and she shook her head and I just wanted for her to finish. Once she was done she handed it to me.

"Keep going sweetie, it's going to make amends with everyone." She said and I half nodded. I sighed.

"I'm making this apology tour and I'm forget the most important person I need to apologize to." I said.

"Who's that?"

"You, mom. I need to apologize to you." I said and she shook her head.


"No mom. I need to apologize to you, dad, Oliver...the entire family. I promised to come back after the discovering myself trip and I stayed away. There was no reason to stay away. I should have come back, gone to college, married Steve had the 2.5 kids and loved the apple pie life. Instead I stayed away, wrote a book, made my friends and an entire town hate me and then thought I could come back no problem. I'll sorry for not coming back, checking in or visiting more often. I did love you and think about you guys constantly." I explained. I looked at my mom and she had tears in her eyes and just pulled me into a hug.

"I love you my sweet girl and you have nothing to apologize for. You loved your life which was all I wanted for you." Myra said as we hugged.

"I love you too." I said hugging this woman who used to be the entire backbone of the family. Now as I sat here holding her in an embrace I could feel how weak she was becoming, that scared me.

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