I'm Gone

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"What the fuck?" I said and opened my window.

"I do have a front door ya know..." I said as Steve climbed in the window grunting the whole time and I was laughing.

"That was a lot easier as teenager." Steve said and shut the window.

"Why did you climb the tree?" I asked.

"Because I had to prove to myself I still could." Steve said and then we stood in silence.

"I'm sorry about what Sharon said." Steve said and I shook my head.

"You don't need to apologize for her, she needs to apologize for herself." I said and Steve groaned.

"Did you even apologize for hitting her?" Steve asked.

"Why should I?" I asked and Steve sighed but smirked.

"I almost forgot how feisty you were." Steve said and we both gave a small laugh. I heard a knock on my bedroom door.

"Yeah?" I asked and Cliff opened my door.

"The neighbors called and said they saw someone climbing the tree up front." Cliff said and I laughed looking at Steve.

"I told him we have a front door." I said and Cliff laughed.

"You guys okay?" Cliff asked and we nodded.

"We are just gonna talk. Mom okay?" I asked and Cliff sighed.

"She isn't feeling the best so I just put her in bed." Cliff said and I sighed.

"Okay, give me a minute." I said to Steve and walked out of the room. I walked into my parents room and saw my mom lying there getting ready to go to sleep.

"Hey you." She said sleepily.

"Hey, I wanted to say good night." I said. I leaned down and kissed her cheek.

"Oh good night sweetie. Steve climbed the tree huh?" Myra asked and I huffed a laugh with a nod.

"We are just taking though, not like his high school visits." I said and she laughed shaking her head.

"Don't tell your mother these things!" She said and we laughed. She started coughing so I handed her a cup of water. She took a sip and handed it back.

"Get some sleep mom. We can talk tomorrow." I said and she sighed. I kissed her again and went back to my bedroom. Steve was sitting at my desk reading the first chapter of the book I left out.

"Steve..." I said and he turned to looked at me.

"When were you going to show me this?" Steve asked.

"Soon, I swear. Everyone else has seen it but I was testing the waters with you. I didn't want to upset you." I said and Steve nodded and then finished it.

"What did everyone else say?" Steve asked.

"They want me to finish it. But all it takes is one person to say no and I wont do it." I said. Steve walked over to me and saw the tears welled in my eyes and some falling. He wiped them off my cheeks.

"Finish the book." Steve said and I smiled. I leaned into him placing my forehead on his chest. He wrapped his arms around me and I started crying again. He just held me but walked us to the foot of the bed and sat us down. I finally looked up at him.

"God you come back and every time we have been alone I'm breaking down on you." I said and Steve shrugged.

"Reminds me of the last time we were together." Steve said and I groaned. "Okay sorry low blow." Steve said and I nodded.

"I'm sorry Steve...for everything." I said and he shook his head.

"Except for attack Sharon tonight right?" Steve asked and I laughed shaking my head.

"Uh no, that bitch deserved what she got." I said and Steve tried not to laugh. He then placed a hand under my chin and looked at my lip.

"Looks like she landed at least one blow." Steve said.

"Oh, hadn't noticed." I said. Steve ran his thumb over my bottom lip. His eyes went from my eyes to my lips. He lightly licked his lips and moved in slowly. I could have stopped him but I let our lips connect. The minute they did I was brought back to before I left. Kissing Steve was like home, Steve was my home, the home I was missing. He started to gently lay me down on the bed and I moved back to the pillows. He just hovered over me as we made out.


I woke up the next morning with his arms wrapped around me and I knew then we fell asleep after making out. I sighed and easily got out of bed. I went downstairs to see mom, dad, Oliver, Uncle Tony and Aunt Pepper sitting in the living room. I groaned hoping no one was awake yet, boy was I wrong.

"Good morning Charlie..." Oliver said and I groaned walking past them to get Steve and I coffee.

"Was that Steve's truck still outside?" Tony asked.

"Did you sleep in your clothes?" Oliver asked as I walked out of the kitchen.

"Hush, all of you." I said and walked back upstairs. I opened my bedroom door to see Steve sitting up stretching.

"Good morning." I said.

"Morning." Steve said as I handed his cup of coffee. "Thanks."

"Don't mention it. Although I should mention my entire family being downstairs including Tony and Pepper." I said and Steve groaned.

"Well maybe because I was supposed to be at Tony and Peppers an hour ago..." Steve said noticing the time.

"What are we doing Steve? I mean you are with Sharon..." I said.

"You're with Walker!" Steve said.

"Not technically. I kind of broke up with him." I said.

"Kind of?!"

"Well I didn't say the words but when he followed me out of the bar and told me Sharon had a point I told him to fuck off. The fact that you are still with her after what she said is proof enough that you really don't care!" I said.

"Don't care?! I came here last night to check on you didn't I?!" Steve said raising his voice to meet mine.

"You come to check on me after you tended to baby Sharon's wounds too?! You kiss her split lip like you did mine?! You make out with her too?! Or did you fuck her and make her forget all her problems with big mean Charlotte?!" I yelled. Steve set his coffee cup down.

"I don't need this shit right now. Unlike you, I live in this town and I have to keep my reputation clean." Steve said and walked out of the bedroom.

"What the fuck does that mean?" I asked following him down the steps.

"What do you think it means Charlie?! My truck was parked outside all night! That doesn't look good if I'm still with Sharon! I have a job to do and can't have my values questioned! Yours get questioned you can just run back to New York. Maybe Sharon was right, maybe you should go back." Steve said and walked out the front door. I had forgot about my family sitting there and heard the whole thing I just rushed upstairs and packed my suitcase.

Everyone wanted me gone...fine...I'm gone.

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