I Got You

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"Okay so we have drinks, we are on the couch...you drove here to talk. You go." I said and Steve huffed a laugh.

"You want me gone that bad Charlie?" Steve asked with a smirk.

"Not particularly but honestly I'm just confused Steve." I said and he sighed.

"Listen I know we eventually have to talk about the real reason you didn't come back after high school and I think somewhere deep down I know but that isn't what I want to discuss right now." Steve said.

"Okay what do you want to discuss?" I asked.

"The other night coming into your room." Steve said and I nodded.

"Sounds good."

"Okay so I climbed the tree because I thought it would be nostalgic when in reality I think it was mistake in my mind. Not that coming to see you was but it just made me feel like we were kids sneaking around. Now we know your parents always knew but still. I did want to check on you, I knew you got the most hits during the fight but emotionally. You just laid out about your mom at the bar and Sharon overstepped." Steve said and I nodded while taking a sip of my whiskey.

"Ya think?!" I asked annoyed and Steve just looked at me.

"Now that leads me to us making out on your bed. Do I regret it? No, not at all. The only thing I regret is how I overreacted the next morning. I was panicking. I said I wouldn't fall back into you and lying in bed with you, making out with you, I was falling back in and fast. I couldn't let that happen, I didn't want to get hurt again." Steve said and took a big swig of his whiskey finishing the glass. I got up and grabbed the bottle from the kitchen and poured him more when I came back in and he smiled.

"I never wanted you to feel uncomfortable Steve." I said and he shook his head.

"Problem was...I didn't. I mean I did at first when I went to kiss you but once our lips connected to knew it was meant to happen. Every doubt I had about you went away in my head, everything about who I was with, who you were with was gone, I had you back and that was it." Steve said and I looked at my glass.

"Did you tell Sharon?" I asked.

"Well...I went to her house after I left your place to explain what happened maybe leaving out the making out part and I found her in bed, naked, with John." Steve said and I just looked at him in shock.

"Wait...John Walker?" I asked and he nodded.

"Yeah she said after I dropped her off she knew I was coming to your place so when she went by and saw my truck there she didn't know what to do. She went back to the bar, told John. They figured we were both done with them and found comfort in each other." Steve said and I huffed a laugh.

"You know that's hilarious. John told me that she pinned over you most of their marriage, you were the reason she made him move back here and ultimately when she found out you were single that's why they got a divorce. Now to find out they just got into bed together again is hilarious." I said and Steve nodded laughing with me.

"She asked if you and I were getting back together..." Steve said and I looked at him.

"What did you say?" I asked and he sighed.

"I don't know what to say. I knew we needed to talk. I was planning on talking to you when you came back for thanksgiving...if you even were." Steve said and I nodded.

"Yeah, I was planning on it Pepper is cooking so mom doesn't have to." I said and Steve half nodded.

"I'm sorry Charlie, I never meant to say what I said to you. I mean I had been telling you to leave for weeks, I never thought that you would finally take it seriously." Steve said.

"Well you sit and make out with someone most of the night then tell them to leave...they take it to heart." I said and Steve smirked and just half nodded.

"Can we maybe talk about why you didn't come back after high school? I know I said I didn't want to but I just want to know why you didn't. The real reason." Steve said and I sighed shaking my head.

"I don't know if you will like it..." I said and Steve sighed.

"Why Charlotte?" Steve asked and I sighed.

"I was scared Steve. When I went to leave we had our future all planned. I was going to come home, we were getting our apartment, going to go to college, I was going to work in your mom's store, get married in a few years and then kids. I was scared of that future. I felt like it was going to tie me down and I wanted to live. Now I know I could have just told you that but I was scared at your response and I figured running away and staying away was better." I said and Steve groaned.

"You think I wasn't scared? I know we planned it but I was scared too." Steve said.

"We were too young to be adults." I said and we both laughed.

"Yeah I guess." Steve said and I sighed.

"So are you coming back to Ashland, to stay?" Steve asked and I shrugged.

"You convinced me to leave, convince me to come back and stay..." I said and Steve smirked at me and moved closer to me on the couch.

"Well we are adults now and both single..." Steve said and I nodded as we placed our glasses on the coffee table.

"You think I would come back just for you Rogers?" I asked and he moved even closer to me.

"I think I could be a major factor if you really wanted me to be..." Steve said as out lips brushed.

"You want to be a factor?" I asked and he slightly nodded.

"Prove it to me." I said. He smiled his lips crashing into mine. His lips just felt right, I never had anyone feel like he did on me. As I felt his tongue skim my lips for entrance which I easily granted him I pulled him down on the couch with him on top of me. Once we were done he moved his lips down to my neck and I moaned arching my back and Steve smiled knowing he was going to have me like putty. I bucked my hips to him and he groaned.

"Charlie...don't play games." Steve said.

"Who said I was playing..." I said and Steve looked at me.

"You sure?" He asked and I nodded. His lips crashed into mine again and we started removing clothes quickly until I was laying naked under him and he was in his boxers. I smiled at Steve as I reached into his boxers and gripped him. I started stroking him as Steve plunged 2 fingers into me and started curling them reaching the spot of he ever seemed to be able to find in me.

"Steve...I need you..." I said and he nodded as he removed his boxers, removed his fingers from me and inserted himself quickly. I arched to him our chest together. Steve lifted me and moved me to straddle him on the couch. I leaned down and passionately kissed him as I moved on him. He gripped my hips and started setting the pace and I moaned as he gripped tightly.

"Steve..." I moaned out and he nodded knowing as I clenched around him.

"Cover me Charlie, I need to feel you again." Steve said and I cried out as I cleaned him even tighter once we swelled inside of me as we felt him start releasing inside of me as I released all around him. I was shaking all around him and he wrapped his arms around me holding me too him.

"I got you..." He said and I smiled as I tried catching my breath.

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