My Girlfriend

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I woke up the next morning to arms wrapped around me in my bed and I knew exactly who it was. After we had fun on the couch we moved to my bedroom realizing we had 12 years of time to make up for. I felt Steve kissing my shoulder and moving to my neck.

"Steve..." I moaned and he nipped my neck. "You really need more?" I asked.

"Charlie, I can never get enough of you." Steve groaned and I pushed back against him. He moaned as I lifted a leg over his hip and he inserted himself in me, wrapping his arms tighter around me as he started thrusting.

"Steve...." I moaned out as he lowered a hand to my front and started rubbing my clit roughly and growled in my ear.

"Be a good girl and cover me Charlie, you did it all night, do it again." Steve growled as I clenched around him tightly. He groaned at the sudden tightness and I released all around him as I quickly felt his hot ropes shooting inside of me, coating my walls. Once we both released I removed my leg from around Steve and then rolled to face him.

"That's a hell of a wake-up call." I said and he laughed.

"What do you expect, you sleep next to me naked all night, I can't control myself." Steve said and I laughed. I then placed a hand on his cheek and ran my hand over his beard.

"I like this." I said and he smirked.

"Sharon hated it." Steve said.

"Sharon is a bitch." I said and he smiled.

"So are you coming back to Ashland, did I convince you?" Steve asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, you convince me but can I let you in on a little secret?" I asked.

"Of course you can..."

"I was going to stay when I came back for Thanksgiving." I said and Steve laughed.

"Of course you were." Steve said and I smiled.

"When do you need to head back?" I asked. He sighed and looked at the clock.

"Last night." Steve said and I laughed.

"Opps..." I trailed off and he laughed.

"You coming back today?" Steve asked and I nodded.

"Just have to pack up some stuff." I said.

"Then let's get you packed!" Steve said and I laughed.

"Can I asked you something though?" I asked and Steve nodded.

"What are we? When we get back to future..." I said and Steve placed a hand on my cheek.

"You are going back to Ashland as my girlfriend Charlie, we have wasted too much time not being together. I need you now." Steve said and I smiled.

"Good." I said and Steve smiled leaning in and giving me a small kiss.

"I need to work on moving to Ashland permanently. I just need to find my own place." I said and Steve smiled.

"Or...I have the room..." Steve said and I shook my head.

"I'm thrilled to be with you Steve but I think we need to take this slow and not jump into where we were many years ago." I said.

"Good point." Steve said.

"So who knows you are here?" I asked and Steve blushed.

"'re parents, that's it." Steve said and I laughed.

"So basically, you are saying we need to get me packed before they send out the search party..." I said and he nodded.

"Sounds about right." Steve said and I laughed.

"Well why don't you take a shower with me Rogers and then we get me pack?" I asked and he nodded as we both quickly got out of bed and headed to the shower.


I pulled up outside my parents' house with Steve's truck behind me and I smiled.

"Thank you for making sure I got home safely." I said and he nodded grabbed my bags from the trunk.

"You want them in your room?" Steve asked and I nodded. I walked in the front door and saw Myra sitting there with my dad.

"I'm home." I said and Cliff got up to hug and then I hugged Myra. "I also brought someone with me , my new...well...old boyfriend." I said as Steve walked in. We were met with odd glances.

"We still have a lot to talk out and work out but right now we worked out the major parts and we are going to give this a try." I said and Steve nodded.

"Well I think it's wonderful. You two always belongs together. Steve, you and your mom must come to Thanksgiving at Tony and Peppers house." Myra said and I looked at Steve and smiled.

"That would be amazing, thank you." Steve said and then looked at me. "I'm going to take these upstairs because Bucky has been calling wondering where I am." Steve said and I laughed.

"Dinner at the diner tonight with everyone and we tell them?" I asked and he nodded. He leaned down, giving me a small kiss then headed upstairs. I looked at Myra who hadn't stopped smiling.

"Are you happy?" Cliff asked and I nodded.

"So happy." I said. Steve came back down and I walked him out.

"Do you think you could go tell my mom I got you to come back to town so she starts talking to me again?" Steve asked and I laughed

"Your mom isn't talking to you?" I asked and she shook his head.

"No she is mad at me because you left and it was my fault." Steve said and I nodded.

"Don't worry Rogers, I will go talk to your mother who obviously loves me more but I want to spend some time with my mom first." I said and Steve smiled with a nod.

"I will text you later..." Steve said and I nodded. He leaned in giving me a small kiss.

"I look forward to it." I said. Steve's phone went off again.

"You better get to Bucky." I said and he smiled. Steve got in his truck and I watched him drive away praying this time in our lives would be different. I just needed to not screw it up. 

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