No One Wants You Here

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After being out in town yesterday I decided to sleep in and just relax. I was awoken though at 8am by my cellphone ringing.

"What?" I grumbled into the phone.

"Wake up sleeping beauty." Marcus said and I sighed sitting up.

"Marcus...seriously it's 8am." I said.

"Right! Rise and shine, you need to give me a book idea." He said. I didn't want to deal with this so I just hung up on him, grateful he didn't call back. I sighed and got out of the bed opening the bedroom window letting the autumn air come in and I smiled. I went downstairs and saw a note from my parents.

-Dad and I wanted to hit the farmers market super early. See you when we get back. Love, Mom.-

I smile at the thought my mom still felt good enough to get out and do things with dad. I got some coffee and head back to my room. I knew it was time to just start typing out some idea's for the new book. I set up at my old desk and just looked at the blinking cursor while I sipped my coffee. As I was about to start writing I heard a loud leaf blower outside. I groaned and stood up going to the window. I looked at saw a lawn care company across the street and groaned.

"Fucking perfect." I said and walked back to desk packing up my computer and then got dressed for the day. I grabbed my stuff and went down to my parents note and wrote on the bottom on it.

-Lawn care company across the street, sounds not helping me write. Going to be at the library for a while.- I wrote and headed out of the house.

As I reached my car I got a glimpse of the company name working and I groaned. Till The End of the Line Lawn Care. Steve and Bucky...that was their saying since they were kids meaning they would always be together. I looked at saw them both looking at me.

"Leaving already?" Steve asked seeing me with a bag.

"No, cant work with the noise you are making so I need to someplace quiet." I said and Steve just sighed. He walked across the street even though Bucky tried grabbing his arm to stop him. Steve walked right up to me standing at my car door.

"Why don't you just go back to New York, no one wants you here Charlotte." Steve said super close to my face.

"My family wants me here." I said and he huffed a laugh.

"Highly doubt that." Steve said.

"Don't speak on things you don't know Steve. I'm needed here right now." I said.

"You were needed here 12 years ago too...didn't bring you back then." Steve said.

"Steve!" Bucky yelled from across the street to get his attention.

"Go Rogers, Bucky is calling you back." I said and he growled but walked away. He stopped at the back of my car.

"Just stay out of my way and I'll stay out of yours." Steve said and I nodded.

"Kind of hard in a small-town Steve." I said, got in my car and started it up as he walked back across the street. I just sat there for a minute really thinking about what Steve said, did no one really not want me back. I grabbed my phone and opened the family group chat text that consisted of my mom, dad, Oliver, Aunt Pepper and Uncle Tony.

CHARLIE: Family meeting tonight at the house 6pm.

MOM: Problem sweetie?

CHARLIE: Just need a meeting.

I put my phone away and headed out to the library on the college campus. I knew it was public and I would be able to get in no problem. Once I got there I walked up to the librarian and smiled.

"Can I help you?" She asked.

"I was wondering if any of the private study rooms are available?" I asked and she typed on her computer and then handed me a key card.

"3rd floor, room 5." She said and I smiled and walked away. Once I got to the room and set everything up and just started pacing in the room.

"Okay think Charlie, it wasn't this hard before. The first book came to you no problem." I said and kept pacing. I then stopped and realized it needed to take a whole new approach. I called Marcus.

"I don't appreciate being hung up on." Marcus said and I groaned.

"Fine then I wont tell you my idea." I said and I could tell he got a smile on his face.

"Tell me..." Marcus said.

"Sequel to the first book, she goes back home." I said. I hated I was doing this and using my own life, town and friends again. I mean I used different names but descriptions of everyone it was pretty obvious who was who.

"And everyone is going to welcome her back with open arms?" Marcus asked and I huffed a laugh.

"Not exactly. It's chilly interactions. I mean I don't have a whole plan yet, it will be a surprise to me even as I write it." I said and Marcus was silent. I knew he was thinking.

"Do it, get me a first chapter or so in a few weeks." He said and I nodded.

"Got it. Thanks Marcus." I said and hung up. I sat down and started writing out the first chapter of just coming home. I left out my mother having cancer, that didn't need to be in the book. I got into a groove and then I heard my stomach growl. I figured with skipping breakfast I shouldn't skip lunch so I left the library and headed to the local diner in town. Just like a the bar I got stares and I just ignored them.

"Leave..." Someone said walking up to the table and I looked to see Nat.

"You can't kick me out of a public place Nat, no matter how much you hate me." I said.

"I can when I own the place." Nat said and I groaned.

"Bucky's parents own the place." I said and she shook her head.

"Bucky's parents are dead, you would know that if you came home once in a while. The place is leave." Nat said and I groaned getting up.

"Natasha!" I heard a voice say and I turned to see Nick Fury, town police chief.

"It's alright, I can leave." I said.

"Not when you are my guest. Come sit with me." Fury said and I looked at Nat and she glared at me. I walked over and sat with Nick.

"Thank you. I'm sure she will spit in my food though, yours too for that matter." I said and he shrugged.

"She's all bark, no bite when it comes to me." Nick said and I sighed. "You have certainly stirred up the town haven't you?" Nick continued.

"Have I? I just came home." I said and he nodded.

"But why Charlie? Why the sudden trip?" Nick asked. I was starting to realize my family hadn't made my mom diagnosis known even to family friends like Nick Fury. My dad had been a cop for 30 years until he was shot on the job and he had to retire due to the injury.

"I just needed to be home. I don't know how much I can say or how much the family wants to tell at this moment. I just needed to be home." I said and Nick could tell it was something serious.

"Well if you have issues with anyone else in town turn them my way." Nick said and I smiled.

"Even Rogers?" I asked and Nick laughed.

"Nope, sorry kiddo, that's one you deal with on your own." Nick said and we laughed. The waitress came over and took our orders. Once we were done eating I head home. I needed to get some more work done then get ready for the family meeting.

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