Hallmark Movies & Presents

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It was a few days before Christmas, and I actually had the day off from writing and from the store. Steve and I were cuddled on the couch watching Christmas movies on Hallmark laughing at all of them and how dumb some could be.

"I'm sorry her picture is all over new papers and magazines and the news! She can't be "hiding' in the city as a "runaway princess" and the dude she is with not notice!" I yelled at the TV as Steve laughed.

"Charlie, it's a movie...a hallmark movie in fact. Can't you just take it at face value?" Steve asked.

"No! It's dumb!" I said and he laughed hysterically. I looked up at him from where my head was on his chest, and he looked down at me.

"You, my love are incredible." Steve said, leaned down and kissed me.

"I love you." I said once we broke apart.

"I love you too but are you ever going to tell me what you want for Christmas? I have to go shopping." Steve said and I groaned.

"Steve, I don't want anything. I have you back, I have my mom and my friends. I literally have everything I have wanted back in a long time so I'm fine." I said and Steve sighed.

"Let me just make it clear, you don't want a proposal, right?" Steve asked and I groaned.

"No Steve, no proposal." I said and Steve smiled.

"Okay, just making it clear." Steve said and I smiled.

"What do you want for Christmas?" I asked.

"You...in my bed." Steve said and I groaned.

"You get that almost every night." I said and he laughed.

"Well then I guess I already have what I want." Steve said and I rolled my eyes.

"So, we are just going to be that couple that says no gifts? Because when that happens someone always listens, and someone doesn't, and one person gets a gift and the other doesn't." I said and Steve laughed.

"Can you just not panic? No gifts, fine. Just watch the movie." Steve said and I sighed going back to the Hallmark movie just to sit there and yell at it for the next hour.


A few days later I was out with Nat and Wanda finishing up their Christmas shopping.

"So, what are you getting Steve? I know what he got you and it will be hard to top." Nat said and I whipped my head to look at her.

"What?! We said no gifts!" I said and she groaned.

"Oh yeah...I wasn't supposed to say anything." Nat said and I groaned.

"Nat! I don't know what to buy him! He is the hardest person to buy for!" I said as we walked around the mall. The girls both sighed.

"Why don't you just think about Steve and get him something you know he would love." Nat said and we just walked around the mall as I thought. Finally, a genius struck.

"I have to get home! I have an idea of what to get Steve, it's just going to take some work." I said. I kissed Nat and Wanda on their cheeks and rushed out of the mall to my car and rushed to my parents' house.

"Hey, what's going on? You looked panicked." Cliff asked seeing me run in.

"My box of photos, is it in the attic?" I asked and Cliff nodded.

"Yeah, you need help getting it?" Cliff asked and I shook my head. I ran upstairs, pulled down the hatch for the attic and climbed the stairs. I started going through all the boxes and found what I needed. I took what I needed and left as quickly as I arrived.

Once I got back to my apartment, I texted Steve.


STEVE: Why am I being yelled at?

CHARLIE: Well, I don't know mister we don't need to worry about gifts this year...don't tell Bucky if you don't want Nat to know something and let it slip to me.

STEVE: So, you know I got you something...

CHARLIE: Yes, but don't worry, I already have an idea for you. I'm just working on it now and you can't be here so let me know before you come over.

STEVE: Fine, that I can do. I love you.

CHARLIE: Yeah, yeah, I guess I love you too. 😘😉

I smiled as I sent off the last text, time to start getting pictures scanned to the computer.


I was working hard on the computer when I heard the shop door to my apartment open. I looked and saw Sarah. She looked at the pictures all over the place and smiled.

"You okay?" Sarah asked and I groaned.

"Your son. Do you love him? He may be murdered before Christmas." I said and she laughed.

"Well, he was my only kid, so I prefer to keep him." Sarah said and I walked in and started looking through the pictures. "What happened?" Sarah asked.

"Steve and I said no gifts...he didn't listen so now here I sit looking through all our old pictures because I have an idea just a lot to go through and plan." I said and she smiled.

"Well, he will love whatever you give him. I know he will just don't panic." Sarah said and I shrugged. "What's wrong sweetie." Sarah said.

"Do I deserve Steve? I mean honestly. I left him, I came back, and everything changed. I still had feelings for him, and I know I screwed up. I'm just scared one day he is going to wake up and hate me still. I don't know if I could deal with heartbreak again." I said and Sarah sighed.

"Hey, don't do that. Steve loves you. Can I tell you about a conversation Steve and I had a few days after you came back?" Sarah asked and I nodded.

"I was sitting in my house a few days after you came back. He came over bringing dinner, which was always my first clue he wanted to talk. We sat down and he was so torn apart." Sarah started to say, and I looked at her.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because of you. You were back, so many years later. He was torn about how to feel. He held hatred towards you for so long, but he was having an issue holding on to it once you were back and close. He didn't know what to do. He wanted to hate you, you broke him, but he said that you being back in his life was going to be the death of him but the good death, the happy death. He knew he wanted you back, but he had to work through some things first." Sarah said as my eyes filled with tears.

"Did you know he and I would end back together?" I asked and she smiled.

"Even when you didn't come back after your trip, I tried telling Steve to just wait, you would make an appearance again." Sarah said and I smiled.

"I never really told you I was sorry." I said.

"For what sweetie?" She asked confused.

"For leaving Steve in whatever state I did and you having to pick up the pieces. I was pretty selfish back then." I said and she sighed.

"You were, I won't lie but you are back now and that's all that matters. You and Steve are back to each other, and all is right in the world. Just hopefully he can make you a Rogers soon and give me some grandbabies." Sarah said. I laughed as she hugged me.

"Now here let me help you go through these and tell me what you want to do." Sarah said and I smiled. 

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