It's A Wonderful Life

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It had been a couple days since Steve had taken the proposal and ring back. I felt so much better and was able to write so much easier. Although was a day I had been dreading. I didn't know what today was going to entail. I was sitting next to my brother bouncing my leg once more and he groaned.

"Will you stop...please?" He asked and I sighed.

"How long is this doctor going to be?" I asked.

"Calm down Charlie, he will be in with the results soon." Myra said and I just sighed. I was about to speak up when the doctor came walking in and looked at all of us.

"You brought everyone." He said and Myra smiled looking at Oliver and I.

"We weren't letting her get whatever news you give her alone." Oliver said and I nodded.

"Well let's get into these results then..." The doctor said and we all seemed to hold our breath.


We all sat in the living room taking in everything we had just been told and I sighed.

"So...what does this mean?" I asked and Myra placed her hand on mine.

"It means we go about life like normal." Myra said.

"But he didn't tell us anything that we didn't already know. Nothing has changed. I thought chemo was supposed to help, I thought it was supposed to make it all go away and start to show a change. There was no change!" I said as tears filled my eyes.

"Hey, there may not a been a huge change, but the main change was it hasn't spread or gotten worse." Cliff said. I stood up and started pacing.

"I just want you better." I said and Myra nodded.

"We all do, and we are getting there. It's a long road Charlie." Myra said and I half nodded.

"I know, I'm sorry I seem to act like this isn't good enough. I know the news today was positive and good." I said and everyone nodded.

"Just keep doing what we are doing. Everything is going to work out in the end." Myra said and I nodded. I sat back down on the couch beside her and put my head on her shoulder.

"You know what I want?" Myra asked and I looked up at her.

"What's that?" I asked.

"A Christmas tree." Myra said and Cliff stood up.

"Well, I will go get the fake one from the basement. Oliver, help me out." Cliff said.

"No, I want a real tree." Myra said and I looked at my dad.

"What mom wants, mom gets." I said and we all laughed.

"Okay well...I will go out tonight and get one." Cliff said and I shook my head.

"Let me go...please. I can take Steve. We were planning on getting one for his place tonight too. I can just pick one up for here. Just get everything ready." I said and my dad nodded. Just like he was waiting at the door there was a knock and then he walked in.

"Hey!" I said excitedly and rushed over to Steve and hugged him.

"Hey, how was the appointment today?" Steve asked and I sighed.

"Well, the plus side is it hasn't spread." Myra said and Steve gave a small smile.

"Well, that is a plus side." Steve said and she nodded.

"Are you ready to go get me a tree?" Steve asked and I nodded.

"Actually, we have to get a tree for here too. Mom wants a real tree." I said and Steve smiled.

"Of course! Let's get to the tree lot." Steve said and I smiled as he grabbed me my coat to put on. Once we left the house, I let out a huge sigh. Steve noticed and pulled me into a hug.

"Hey, how are you feeling about the news today?" Steve asked and I shook my head.

"I don't know how to feel. Like I'm happy it hasn't spread but I was hoping it would have had a little bit of a difference in where it was." I said and Steve nodded as we reached his truck.

"Right but look at it this way. It's may not be better, but it didn't get worse." Steve said and I nodded. He opened the door for me to the truck. "But now is no longer time for sadness, we have trees to go get. 3 to be exact." Steve said and I looked at him oddly as he shut my door.

"3?" I asked once he got in.

"One for your parents, one for my place and one for yours." Steve said and I shook my head.

"I'm not decorating my place. I have your place and my parents place, I think I'm good." I said and Steve shook his head.

"No, come one Charlie, you love Christmas." Steve said.

"And I still do I just don't have time to decorate and don't want to have to take care of a tree. I just need to write and not worry about anything else." I said and he groaned.

"I don't like this side of you." Steve said and smiled at me.

"Why? It's not like I'm being a grinch or anything I just don't have time." I said and he sighed taking my hand.

"Fine, no tree." Steve said.


A few days later I was working in the store taking a break from writing since I felt like my brain was fried. I was sitting behind the counter counting up the register total for the day when Steve came down the stairs from my apartment.

"Can I help you Rogers?" I asked.

"You all closed up?" Steve asked and I nodded finishing up the register and walking to the safe.

"Yep...all closed. Can you double check and make sure the door is locked?" I asked as Steve walked to look and make sure.

"Yep." He said and walked back over to me taking my hand. He seemed so excited about something.

"What are you up to?" I asked and Steve shook his head but pulled out a blindfold. "What is this a sex game?" I asked and we both laughed.

"Well, no but it can be later..." He said and I smiled. "Can you just put it on?" Steve asked and I nodded.

I put it on, and he helped me up the stairs. I then heard my apartment door open, and Steve positioned me in a certain spot and took the blindfold off. I looked around my apartment, it was decorated for Christmas. A tree was up and all decorated, lights were hung all around the apartment and he even got me a fake fireplace to put our stockings on.

"Steve..." I said as my eyes filled with tears.

"You need to have some Christmas too Charlie..." Steve said and I turned to face him I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him down to a passionate kiss. "I know you also said you don't want to have to take care of a tree, so I got your parents artificial one." Steve said and I gave a small laugh.

"Thank you Steve." I said once we broke apart and he smiled.

"No thanks needed Charlie. I was more than happy to do this." Steve said.

"Christmas movie time?" I asked.

"Of course, what do you want to watch?" Steve asked and I smiled at him.

"It's A Wonderful Life." I said and he chuckled.

"It really is." Steve said and passionately kissed me again. 

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