Had to Grow Up

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I walked into Steve's house knowing he was out plowing snow with Bucky, it had been snowing like crazy.

I had just got some wedding planning done and I just wanted to come home and relax. I got changed into some comfy sweatpants and sweater of Steve's. Once I got back to the living room Steve was walking in with pizza and beer.

"You are the best fiancé." I said and he chuckled. He walked over and set everything down on the coffee table. He then leaned down and passionately kissed me. I smiled once we broke apart.

"You get stuff scheduled for the wedding today?" Steve asked and I sighed as he walked back in from the kitchen with plates. I smiled sweetly at him. "What did you do?" Steve asked.

"Well see...the bar was a great idea since we could set it up really nice, but then I went by the church..." I said and Steve sighed.

"We always did say we wanted the church." Steve said and I nodded.

"I think we should try and keep somethings we wanted from before, right?" I asked and he nodded.

"I think it's a great idea Charlie." Steve said and I smiled. He leaned over to me and passionately kissed me. He started to push me down on the couch and I stopped him.

"As much as I want to do that, I'm hungry and I need to talk to you." I said and Steve sighed but smiled. We sat back up.

"What do you want to talk about?" Steve asked.

"Well, my place at the bookstore..." I said and he sighed.

"I thought you would just move in here." Steve said and I nodded.

"Yes and no...I need a writing space Steve. I need someplace I can write in peace, at least until I finish the book." I said and he nodded.

"That works. As long as you are in bed with me every night, I don't care." Steve said and I laughed as we got pizza dished out.

"I will be here, don't worry." I said and Steve smiled.


A few weeks later I was standing at the double doors to the church getting ready to have my dad walk me down the aisle to Steve. We didn't want to wait to get married, we figured there was no point. We wanted to start our future and our family.

"You sure about this kiddo? I mean there are the doors to leave, you can turn and run." Cliff said and I laughed.

"I'm sure dad. I love Steve, never stopped." I said and he smiled, kissed my cheek as the wedding march started playing. The double doors opened my breath hitched seeing Steve standing there. I smiled as my dad walked me down to my future. Once we reached Steve, Cliff shook his hand.

"Be good to my little girl Steven." Cliff said and I giggled.

"Always." Steve said and my dad handed Steve my hand and we stood in front of the officiant.

I didn't hear much; I was too busy look at this man in front of me. I was in love with this man more than I ever thought possible. He had a hold of both of my hands and was rubbing his thumbs over my knuckles. I think he thought he was calming me, but it knew it was calming him. I didn't come back to reality until I heard the officiant talk to Steve.

"Steve, do you have your own vows?"

Steve took a deep breath and smiled at me.

"I honestly don't know what I can say to you that I haven't said to you every day since you came back. I love you, Charlotte. I never stopped. I was mad when you left but as I have gotten older and wiser, I realize we needed that time. I wasn't sure you would come walking back into my life but when you did you turned my world upside down and even though I tried fight it, you were the one I was meant to be with. I can't wait to have a future with you, wherever that leads us." Steve said and I smiled. I released his one hand to wipe away the tears falling.

"Charlotte." The officiant said.

"Steven Grant Rogers...you were my everything when I left and that feeling never went away, I was just too stupid to see it. When I came back into town you hated me, you wanted to hate me forever and you had every right to. You didn't have to forgive me and everything I did in my life, but you did. I sit here and think if I had come back right away, we would have been married but we wouldn't have lasted, I know that for a fact. We were too young, we needed to grow up, we needed to live the lives we thought we were supposed to have. The problem was Steve no matter what I did in my life I always wanted it all to be with you. I love you and I can't wait to have mini-Stevie's running around." I said and he smiled shaking his head.

We exchanged rings and Steve smiled at me. The officiant was saying some other words and soon it was the ones Steve and I wanted to hear.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. Steve, you may kiss you wife." The officiant said.

"God, it's about time." Steve said and I giggled as he pulled me flush against his body and passionately kissed me as I snaked my arms around his neck. Everyone in attendance started cheering as we broke apart. We walked back down the aisle together as husband and wife. As we got to the end of the aisle Steve pulled me to him again and passionately kissed me.

"I love you wife." Steve said.

"I love you husband." I said.


Two weeks after the wedding I was sitting with my mom, dad and brother at the doctor's office. Steve wanted to come, obviously thinking he was family now and involved. I convinced him to stay home, and we could all go. I looked at Oliver who was texting someone.

"Yelena?" I asked and he nodded with a smile.

"I saw you guys dancing at the reception. Super cute together." I said and he smiled, and I saw blush on his cheeks.

"You nervous?" I asked my mom, and she shook her head.

"No because we are all under the assumption that whatever happens, happens." She said and smiled at Oliver and me. "I know you guys are happy in your lives and that's all I ever wanted." Myra said and I smiled.

"You don't want any grandbabies?" I asked and she laughed.

"I mean if you and Steve are offering..." Myra said, and we laughed. We heard a knock on the door and the laughing stopped instantly when the doctor walked in the room.

"All here again huh?" He asked with a smile.

"We will always be here." I said and he smiled but it faded.

"Well let's down to these results shall we..." He said. I grabbed my mom's hand and Oliver's as well.

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