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I was sitting in the doctors office exam room with my mother, brother and father, leg bouncing, very nervous.

"Hey, can you calm down?" Oliver asked in a whisper and I just shook my head.

"This makes it too real." I said and he huffed a laugh.

"Like it wasn't real before when we told you?" Oliver asked and I just hung my head.

"No kid likes to hear about her parent having cancer okay?" I asked and he placed an arm around me and pulled me into a side hug.

"Hey, it's going to be okay. This is just a checkup before she starts her chemo and everything." Oliver said I nodded. We were waiting on the doctor to come in and I thought back to one of the last times I was in the doctor's office, only it wasn't with my family.


I was sitting on the exam table shaking my foot nervous as Steve sat in the chair staring at the floor.

"We are so dead." I said and Steve sighed.

"Come on Charlie...dead?" Steve asked.

"Yes, your parents, my parents, my brother, our friends!" I said and he groaned.

"It will be fine, depending on what comes back we will handle it like adults." Steve said and I sighed. "Would it be so bad if you were? I mean we know we are meant to be together." Steve continued.

"But do you really want a kid right now? I mean we will graduate and a few months later have a kid. What about college? What about life?" I asked.

"It will all work out Charlie." Steve said getting up and coming over to sit with me on the exam table. I placed my head on his shoulder as we heard the door open and the doctor walked in.

"Mr. Rogers, Ms. Wallace...I must say this visit surprises me." He said and I groaned. This doctor knew my family and had been a doctor I the town since I was a kid.

"I know but my parents don't know I made this appointment and I would like to keep it that way as of right now." I said and he sighed.

"Well I know they had you take a test the minute you come in. I have those results right here." He said holding up the chart. I grabbed Steve's hand and gripped tight.

"What do they say?" I asked. "Am I pregnant?" I asked.

"No, you're not pregnant." He said and I sighed a sigh of relief as did Steve.

"Do we really need to have the safe sex talk you two?" The doctor asked and we shook our heads.

"No we were stupid. It wont happen again." Steve said and I nodded in agreement.

"Okay good. Now get out of here." He said and I smiled. Once Steve and I got to the car we were silent.

"This is good right? I mean it was negative. We have time to plan our future instead of being thrown into it." I said and Steve nodded. He leaned over and kissed me.

"Exactly. We can now have the future we want and plan for." Steve said and I agreed.


That was one detail I left out of the book. I thought about putting it in, it was going to be the chapter the inevitably broke me and I took it out. No one in town knew about that doctor visit and no one ever needed to know. Parents and friends didn't need to find out that way and since Steve and I never mentioned it we figured only us knowing was better. I was pulled from my thoughts when the doctor came in and started talking to us and letting us know how everything was going to go.


Once we all got home my cellphone was ringing and I saw it was Malcolm and I sighed.

"I have to take this in private." I said and head to my room. I tried calming myself and then answered the phone.

"Malcolm..." I said.

"Charlotte." He said and I groaned. I knew I had sent him the first rough chapter of the new book so I was waiting for this call.

"You read it?" I asked.

"I did."

"And?" I asked

"I smell another best seller..." Malcolm said and I sighed.

"Okay well I have to get some more done but I have to still try and talk to people about it. I won't blindside them like I did last time." I explained.

"I get that but how long is that going to take? I mean haven't you made the whole apology tour yet?" Malcolm asked.

"You don't know how I left things and then the book happened so things are tense between a lot of us. I have 2 people on my side now and they are the best people to have so it it's starting." I said and Malcolm sighed.

"Okay just keep up writing and apologizing."

"Malcolm, I need you to understand if I don't get their okay for this second book, I'm not completing it." I said and he groaned.

"Charlotte..." He said.

"That's my final word Malcolm." I said and he sighed.

"Fine." He said and hung up pissed.

I just sat on the edge of my bed and sighed. This was becoming more complicated than it needed to be. I pulled out my cellphone.

CHARLOTTE: Hey can you, me and Bucky meet for dinner tonight? I need to talk to both of you.

NAT: Yeah sure, everything okay with your mom?

CHARLOTTE: Yeah we just need to talk.

NAT: Sounds ominous, meet at the diner at 6?

CHARLOTTE: Sounds good.

I put my phone down and laid on the bed. Tonight, could either go horrible wrong and we take about 20 steps back or it could go amazingly right, and they accept me writing this second book. And we continue with the plans of Nat and Bucky trying to get everyone back on my good side.

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