Just Had to Come Home

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Once I got unpacked I drove back into town. I had a few stops to make before dinner tonight with everyone at the diner. Steve was calling and texting everyone telling them to meet there at 6:30. I drove into town and drove to the bookstore. I parked and headed inside.

"Welcome to Bookworms Dream." I heard the worker say and I smiled.

"Is Sarah in?" I asked and they nodded.

"Mrs. Rogers!" They called out and I heard her coming down from upstairs. She saw me and smiled.

"So please tell me you decided to come back on your own and my son didn't convince you?" Sarah asked.

"Would it be a bad thing if Steve did convince me?" I asked and she sighed.

"No, but he will have a big head if he did." She said and I smiled.

"Well I was planning on staying when I came back home for thanksgiving any way but Steve made a very convincing case when he came to New York." I said and she looked at me.

"You are Steve are together again aren't you?" She asked, I tried hiding my blush but I knew it was there.

"Yeah..." I said and she wrapped me in a hug.

"Thank god!" She said and I smiled.

"So we have your approval." I said and she laughed.

"Sweetie, this is all I ever wanted for you and Steve to find your way to each other. You just had to find your way back home." Sarah said.

"Well I have to admit. I wanted to come and see you but Steve asked me to as well..." I trailed off and she laughed.

"All because I wouldn't talk to him because he made you leave." Sarah said and I nodded.

"That's exactly it." I said and she laughed.

"Well I was hoping to make him suffer more but I guess he is off the hook now." Sarah said and I smiled.

"Good." I said and she smiled.

"Okay well I have one more stop to make before we get together with everyone tonight and tell them...I'll see you later." I said and she smiled giving me a hug.

"You can count on it." Sarah said.

"Oh and I don't know when Steve will tell you but my mom would like you and Steve to have thanksgiving with us at Tony and Peppers." I said she smiled.

"I would love that. Just get me time and if I need to bring anything." Sarah said and I walked out. I walked down the street and before I could reach where I was going to saw them walking together. They stopped upon seeing me and I sighed.

"Nice to see you two are working things out." I said.

"Well you stole Steve from me I needed someone." Sharon said and I groaned.

"I didn't steal him Sharon, you lost him. You attacked me." I said.

"You hit me first!" She shrieked and I looked at John and shook my head.

"Because of your words. Listen I don't want to do this with the two of you, you found each other again, you slept together and are together. Hope it works out for you." I said and went to walk away.

"Sorry Steve didn't come running to you." Sharon said in a snarky tone and I stopped walking and turned around.

"Actually Steve followed me to New York when I went home. Steve and I are together now Sharon and was all night...in my bed...barely getting any sleep." I said. I heard her scoff as I smiled and walked away. I continued my walk and walked into an office.

"Hey! You're back!" Pepper said and I nodded.

"I am..." I said as we hugged. She then smacked my arm.

"Never leave like that again. You upset your mother." Pepper said and I sighed.

"I know I was being a child." I said and she nodded. "Anyways I wanted to see if you would help me out." I said and she looked at me oddly.

"With?" She asked.

"Well what you do for a living...finding me a house." I said and she squealed.

"Are you moving back here? For good?!" She asked and I smiled.

"Thinking it's time. New York has been great but with Steve and I being back together-..." I said and she squealed again.

"You and Steve are back together?!" She asked and I nodded.

"Yeah...by the way Sarah and Steve are coming to Thanksgiving. Let Sarah know if she can bring anything." I said and she nodded.

"Sarah will be bringing her apple pie." Pepper said and I smiled as my mouth watered.

"The best in town." I said and Pepper nodded. "Anyways, Steve and I are together and with mom being the way she is, I've also grown up. It's time to come home." I said and Pepper smiled.

"Well what are you looking for?" Pepper asked and I shrugged.

"Something small. It's just going to be me. Maybe 2 bedroom so I have an office. Close to mom and dad, town and Steve..." I said and she smiled.

"Well give me a couple of days to get some listing togethers and I will give you what I find." She said and I smiled.

"Perfect, no rush. I don't think mom and dad are kicking me out or anything." I said and she laughed.

"No, you're safe there." Pepper said. Before I could say anything I got a text on my phone

STEVE: Hey Beautiful, getting ready to get off work soon. Can I pick you up and take you to the diner?

I smiled seeing his text.

CHARLOTTE: I think you better Rogers.

STEVE: Pick you up at 6.

CHARLOTTE: Cant wait. 😉😘

"I better go so I can get ready for dinner." I said and Pepper nodded.

"I will have some houses for you to look at soon." She said and I nodded. I headed out and sighed.

Life was finally falling into place, the right way.

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