People Change

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A few weeks later I was sitting in the living room writing while mom slept on the couch. She had just had her first round of chemo. I sighed when I heard a leaf blower outside. I set my laptop off to the side and headed outside to see Bucky and Steve working on the yard next door.

"Hey Charlie." Bucky said and I smiled.

"Hey Buck. Can we talk?" I asked. He looked at Steve but then walked over to my porch.

"What's up?" Bucky asked.

"I know you guys have a schedule to follow and stuff but is there any way you can come back to their house tomorrow?" I asked and he looked at me oddly.

"Charlie, we have to work in order of calls." Bucky said.

"I know but mom is trying to sleep. She just had her first round of chemo this morning." I said and Bucky sighed. He saw me, saw the worry on my face and pulled me into a hug.

"Hey, let me talk to Steve about coming back tomorrow. I'm not making any promises but I'll see what I can do." Bucky said and I nodded.

"Thanks Buck." I said and went back in the house, mom was still asleep. As I started working again when there was a knock on the door and I groaned. I walked to the door, opening it to see Steve standing there.

"Yeah?" I asked. He opened the screen door and motioned for me to walk outside.

"You think you can tell me how to do my job?!" Steve asked pissed off. "What because the little bullshit writer wants to get work done, I can't do my job?!" Steve asked pissed off even more and I groaned.

"Steve, I swear it's not that." I said and he shook his head.

"Then why does Bucky say we should come back tomorrow after talking to you?!" Steve asked still having an attitude.

"Steve I can't explain that to you right now. Please just understand in time everything will make sense. I don't care if you don't want to do it for me but please be a decent human being and help me out...please." I begged and he just groaned.

"I want a reason. I don't want the just because you said so Charlotte." Steve said.

"Because of me Steve." I heard Myra say from the door. We both turned to look at her.

"Mom..." I said and she opened the screen door coming out to the porch.

"She is asking you for me Steve, so I can sleep. I'm not feeling the best and just want to sleep." Myra said and Steve looked down at the floor feeling like a jerk.

"I'm sorry Myra...I wasn't even thinking...-" Steve said.

"No just easier to blame me." I spoke up. Steve didn't say anything just shot me a glare.

"Bucky and I will move to the next house of the list and I will call the neighbors and let them know we will be by tomorrow." Steve said and Myra smiled.

"Thank you Steve. Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to go lay down in my bed." Myra said.

"Do you need help getting upstairs?" I asked.

"No, I'm fine." Myra said and kissed my cheek. She headed inside and I looked at Steve.

"So my mom asks you and you are willing to do what she asks but I ask you and it's such a damn hassle. It's not always about me Steve." I said.

"I'm sorry I feel that way, that's how it was when you left and didn't come back. Hard to believe you would change." Steve said.

"People change Steve!" I said annoyed.

"Sometimes..." Steve said and went to walk off the porch. He stopped and looked back at me. "Also, you be getting everyone back on your side with some amazing secret. Just know it won't work on everyone and when you hurt them will be the last time." Steve said and finished walking away. I watched him and Bucky pack up, Bucky gave a small wave and they drove off. Once I got inside I went to check on my phone and found he in the floor by her bed.

"Mom!" I yelled running over to her.


I was sitting in the waiting room at the hospital waiting on news of my mom. I called Oliver and my dad and they were on their way.

"Hey, I was with your brother when he go the call, he was picking up food for you guys. What happened?" Nat asked coming in and I looked for Oliver. "He is parking the car." Nat said and I sighed.

"I don't know she had her chemo today and was really tired. She went to go upstairs and told me she was fine. I just ended an argument with Steve and went to check on her and found her on the floor by her bed." I said and Oliver walked in as I was explain it. He pulled me into a hug.

"You argued with Steve?" Nat asked.

"What else is new?" I asked.

"Where?" Oliver asked.

"At the house obviously. He was working next door and I asked Bucky if they could work at another house today knowing mom needed to sleep. Bucky talked to Steve and Steve thought I wanted it for me. Called me a little bullshit writer and said that I just wanted quiet. I wasn't going to tell him about mom. Mom came out anyway and just said she wasn't feeling good, then he was more than happy to comply." I said.

"That's it, he needs to get his fucking shit together and I'm going to do it." Nat said and went to leave but I grabbed her arm.

"Please don't and stay." I said and she sighed and pulled me into a hug as my dad walked in with Uncle Tony.

"Dad." I said releasing from Nat and he hugged me. As he hugged me the doctor came walking out. My dad released me and we all looked at the doctor.

"How is she?" Cliff asked and the doctor gave a small smile.

"Awake and asking for all of you. She is fine, just had a bad reaction to the chemo. It shouldn't happen again, the first round usually takes a lot out of people and Myra was no exception." The doctor said and I sighed thankful.

"So she will be okay?" I verified.

"She will, she is asking for all of you and she should be ready to go home in a few hours after some observation." The doctor said. My dad, Oliver and Tony went rushing back and I looked at Nat.

"Tell Bucky about this if you must but do not tell Steve." I said and she sighed. "Nat, promise me!" I said and she nodded.

"I promise." Nat said and I smiled taking her hand.

"Let's go see my mom." I said and she smiled.

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