New York...Home Again

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After telling my family I was leaving and then making the stops necessary to tell everyone I was leaving I made one final stop, I needed to tell her, I wasn't sure why. I walked in and sighed seeing her behind the counter training someone how to use the register.

"How can we help you?" The sales associate asked and Sarah looked up.

"Charlie..." She said seeing my face. I had been crying all morning as I packed and telling everyone I was leaving.

"Can we talk?" I asked and she nodded as we headed to the office in the back.

"What's wrong?" Sarah asked.

"I'm going back to New York per your sons request." I said and she looked at me oddly.

"My son...?" Sarah asked and I nodded.

"Steve and I were getting along, we talked out the reason as to why I was here. Everything seemed to be fine. Last night at the bar Sharon and I may have gotten into it and some punches were thrown. Steve came to check on me last night, we made out a little to the point he stayed the night but then this morning we had a blow up about he was still with Sharon and it didn't look good he was at my house all night. Then he said he had a good reputation in this town and mine could get ruined since I could just leave if it did." I explained really fast to Sarah but amazingly she kept up. Sarah just sighed.

"Sometimes Steve can be the stupidest man I know." Sarah said and I shrugged.

"Maybe he's right. I turned this whole town upside down coming home. I got everyone's permission to write a new book so I will just write it from New York. It may be short but I think I can fill it in." I said and Sarah sighed.

"Don't leave, don't leave Steve run you out of town." Sarah said.

"He just helped solidify what everyone else is feeling. I will be back on weekends for small visits to check on my mom but other than that just going to stay in New York." I said.

"Your mom? What's wrong with Myra?" Sarah asked.

"Steve didn't tell you?" I asked and she shook her head. I hung my head as I felt the tears stinging my eyes. "Mom has cancer. She's going through chemo." I said and Sarah gasped and then pulled me into a hug.

"Ok Charlie..." She said as we hugged.

"It's okay, I mean she has had a few issues, but they were talking about hiring a nurse, they don't need me round. I'm even offering to pay for it." I said and Sarah groaned.

"A nurse isn't her daughter Charlotte." Sarah said.

"I know but what else can I do?" I asked and she sighed.

"Stay...not leave...don't listen to my stupid son." Sarah said and I huffed a laugh.

"Listen, everything is fine. I don't belong here anymore. I just wanted to stop by and say bye this time." I said and she sighed. She pulled me into another hug.

"Don't be a stranger. When you come back to check on your mom, visit here huh?" She asked and I nodded.

"You know it." I said and once we broke apart. I headed out of the office as Steve was walking in.

"Where's my mom?" Steve asked.

"The office. I was just saying goodbye to her." I said and Steve looked at me.

"Leaving town?" Steve asked.

"That's what you wanted. So, bye." I said and walked out of the bookstore, getting in my car and leaving.


I watched them have a small interaction and then Charlie was gone...again.

"What do you think you're doing?!" I asked Steve as he walked up to me.

"Visiting my mother at work but it looked like that is the wrong move..." Steve said.

"Don't get smart with me Steven Grant Rogers." I said and smacked him upside his head.

"OW! Ma!" He yelled.

"You know for someone who was so broken when she left and didn't come back you are really shitty for breaking her this time around." Sarah said.

"Pay backs a bitch. She doesn't belong here, she never did since she came back." Steve said and I shook my head.

"You are the dumbest person I know Steven." I said.

"Ma, I did what I had to do! She has done nothing but cause issues with everyone since she got here. It's better she go back to New York."

"But you are making her leave her family. Her mother! Her mother is sick, she could be dying and you just made her only daughter leave town. What is wrong with you?!" I asked. Steve didn't say anything but looked at the floor.

"I have to go." Steve said and walked out of the bookstore.


I pulled back into the parking deck to my apartment building a couple hours later and sighed.

"Home again." I said as I parked my car.

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